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"War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength."

― George Orwell


THE FIRST THING that came to Helene's mind was to change her clothes, slip on her armour and ask Brenna to take her to the fight. But logic and common sense told her to stay put and let them handle the attack on their own.

Ignoring her common sense, Helene abandoned Cas on the dance floor and ran in a full sprint out the ballroom, clutching her dress in her hands. She could hear her heels clicking against the marble floor as she ran up to her room. She didn't look back once to see whether Cas was following her or not.

Whenever she found an opportunity to fight, she always took it. And she had a chance to prove herself right there and then. On her first few days.

So, she took it.

Throwing her dress onto her bed, Helene slipped on her black leather gear with quick hands. Zipping up her long combat boots, she quickly dashed up to her weapon's duffel bag and began to strap on as many weapons as possible. When she had powers like hers, weapons weren't needed. But Helene always enjoyed using weapons more than her powers because it was the skills that she had developed through the years and hours of long practice nights.

After strapping on her last knife onto her belt, Helene stalked out her bedroom, locking the door behind her. She began to run, way more efficiently in her gear than her dress and down the stairs. Running down them at full speed was fast, but not efficient. Quickly abandoning the proper way of going down the stairs, Helene swung one leg over the railing and slid down, getting weird looks from the onlookers, but she did not care.

Ignoring the pain in her ankle as she hit the bottom, Helene shimmied through the crowd that had begun to form while she had been gone. She stood on her toes, searching the crowd for Brenna or any dark haired girl in armor.

Just as she spotted Brenna in the corner of the room having an intense conversation with a guard, someone pulled Helene back by the elbow harshly.

"What are you thinking? Are you crazy?"

Helene rolled her eyes in annoyance as she turned around with a scowl on her face. "Let me go, Legion."

"What? No." Legion glared at her. "You can't go fight. You're just going to get yourself killed."

Helene's temper flared. Jerking her hand back angrily, she snapped, "You're not my mom. You don't get to tell me what I can do or what I can't do. Keep your opinions to yourself because this is my decision. Not yours."

"I - seriously?" He was beginning to get angry too. "I'm trying to-"

Helene lifted her index finger threateningly. "You say the word 'protecting' and I'll rip out your tongue."

Legion rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine. I'm trying to help you. Better?"

"No." Helene looked back to where Brenna was beginning to leave. "Look. I have to go, okay? You should probably stay here because I don't want your parents to kill me for getting the heir of Belwick hurt or worse, killed."

1. Frozen Shadows |✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن