Urie Kuki x reader (lime)

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Lmao I love our angsty boy so much, the one true Edgelord. This one is dedicated to myself, because I fucking love Urie.


Also reader is short in this story don't kill me.
Also this is lime ya know, and pretty heavy as well. Don't read if you're innocent and don't like this kind of stuff.

Your bed was a mess of crumpled covers, pillows tossed this way and that, and in the middle of the explosion of blankets, you lay in a twilight state of sleep.

The mid-evening glow of Tokyo was filtering through your blinds-glaring straight into your eyes.
Stretching slowly first, you swung your legs over the side of your mattress. Gently lowering yourself and dragging your feet across your room and out your door in search of food and coffee-despite it being nine-ish.

Pattering down the stairs, you encountered Urie at the front door.
He had clearly just returned from one of his intense workouts, sweat creating a light sheen all over his collarbone and forehead.

'Dear god he looks great in tank tops.
'Wait no-'

"(Y/n), you gonna stand there and stare all day?" He teased, an arrogant smirk clear on his face.

Your throat dried up and your mind blanked for a moment. Until you remembered:
'I can't let this fucking asshole make me look like an idiot.'

You bounded down the stairs and whacked the back of his head lightly before racing off to the kitchen.

You could feel his glower on your back.

It was fine, you and Urie had a frenemie type relationship, you being the only one who wouldn't put up with his constant crankiness.
That boy needed to get over his emo phase.

You hummed happily, standing on your tiptoes in an effort to reach your favourite brand of sugary cereal.
You let out a groan of frustration. Damn cupboards designed for fucking giants.

Then you felt a something-or rather, someone- behind you, reaching to grab the cereal far above your head.

Your cheeks went bright pink, and you didn't dare turn to face the only other squad member in the house.
You were so close, that if you had turned, your bodies would've been pressed together.

It was such a clichéd moment, it felt straight out of a shojo manga.

He leaned down, until you felt his breath by your ear, the heat spreading slowly over your body like some kind of wonderful infection.

"Shorty." He whispered.

That did it.

You spun, anger coursing through your veins -fuelling your sudden burst of energy-and grabbing his ear, you pulled him down to your level.

"Listen up, you complete-"
You were so close, so close, to giving him a piece of your mind, your emotions right now were pretty much extreme death murder danger level.

But he was faster than you, and he was a lot stronger than you too.

Was your only coherent thought as he pressed you against the counter, not an inch of space between the two of you.

He wasn't smirking now, his face was more serious than you'd ever seen, his gaze was...intense.

It made you feel pretty damn intense too.

And he was only coming closer, his lips coming nearer and nearer.

And a new emotion set in, masking your fury.
Shock, maybe...
A new and unfamiliar feeling.
A warmth...

"Urie, uh, Urie I-mmm!"

He muffled your speech with, no, not his lips, his palm.

"Can you shut up for a minute? Damn shouting constantly. "

And poof, your anger was renewed once more.

So what did you do? Struggle? No, that would've been useless against him. Shout? Scream? Again, a pointless endeavour.
Bite him? Well for some reason that didn't cross your mind.
So you did the classic fifth grade trick.
You licked him.

Snatching his hand back, he practically leaped a whole foot into the air and away from you.

How could you not grin at his horrified expression?

You were so proud of your weird genius that you didn't bother to think about the consequences.

...until he looked up at you and his expression was revealed.

Anger, naturally, but he was...blushing.

The most adorable light pink colour coated his cheekbones like powder.

"Oh my god." Was all you could whisper. "So. Damn. Adorable."

Which only caused him to get angrier.

"I'll show you fucking adorable!"

And so the chase began.

You were both laughing to the point of tears as you tore like two hurricanes playing tag around the house, knocking over Haise's modern decorations in your panic.

He caught you, as you knew he would, pinning you down to the sofa.
Still giggling insanely, neither of you paused to think of the...slightly misleading position you
Mc in.
Or was it misleading?

The cool tension set in, your hyper adrenaline turned to a different kind of adrenaline, a wild pumping in your heart and a blurry mind.

He noticed it too, and the tension became less cool as he placed his lips on your collarbone.

He looked up, that smirk once again on his face, definitely no adorable blush.

"You seem to like that, want me to keep going?"

"Asshole..." was all you could muster weakly.

'What is going on?' You thought, panicked.

He sighed, even that small sensation of breath on your skin sent shivers down your spine.

"Damn stubborn, but you can't really hide it, you know that right?" One of his hands found your hips and traced slowly up your side.

Try as you might you couldn't hide your too-heavy breathing.

"Cute." He mumbled.

Your skin was cold and tingly but you felt like your insides were boiling in your blood. Surely this wasn't right? This was insane? This feeling...

"If...you're...going to...tease me like this." You panted. "At least..."

"At least what? Can you talk normally please?" His nonchalant tone made you so angry, all these swirling emotions were driving you crazy and he was so calm.

"Kiss me!" You almost yelled. "Fucking asshole."

You squeezed your eyes shut, you couldn't bare to look at him. This was too embarrassing.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to restrict one of your senses, because it was more of a shock when he pressed his lips to yours.

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