Kaneki x reader fluff

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Kay first up thank you so much for 250 reads! I know I say this at the beginning of like every single chapter but seriously it means a lot.

In this chapter you are a ghoul who's kinda friends with Kaneki
As it says in the title this is fluff so get ready for some cutesy shit.

I'm trying to write in third person today so it might be terrible but hey


(F/n) took a deep breath before knocking sharply on the door of Kaneki's apartment.

Why is my heart beating so fast? Calm down! You're just friends watching a movie together! Nothing more!

She thought, panicking slightly anyway.

What were (F/n) (L/n)s feelings towards the mysterious Kaneki Ken?

Well, she didn't actually know to be honest.

Of course he was gorgeous, slightly terrifying with his shocking white hair and quick reflexes, but he was also a sweetheart who liked books and watching cheesy movies.

Oh, and he may also be a kakuja.
You had only heard gossip, but even the thought of it sent shivers down your spine.

The waiting girl clutched the movie tighter in her arms, hoping against hope that he would appreciate the DVD she had so carefully selected.

(F/n) was lost in thought when the door suddenly yanked open to reveal a slightly sweaty Kaneki.

"(F/n)!" He said, beaming down at her. "Sorry I didn't answer immediately, I was doing some training."

The girl smiled back up at him nervously whilst tucking some of her (h/l) (h/c) locks behind her ear.
"It's totally fine. Can I come in?"

He whacked himself on the forehead with his palm.
"Right! Right. I got coffee ready, come sit down on the sofa, I gotta take a shower but I'll be out in a minute."

(F/n) collapsed on the couch the moment she got in, kicking her shoes off and sending them flying across the room before relaxing completely on the sofa.

With nothing else to do until Kaneki finished his shower, (F/n) started reading fanfiction on her phone.

It was a romance, both characters figments of the writers imagination. It was actually quite adorable...

The girl was so engrossed in the fanfiction that she didn't hear Kaneki creeping up behind her.

He snatched the phone quickly out of her hands as she let out a shocked scream.

He held the phone above her head as she desperately jumped up and down to reach it.

"D-damn you! Kaneki you piece of-"
She panted between jumps.

The phone snatcher just laughed and looked down at the girl, ruffling her hair with his other hand.

(F/n) was seething.

Kaneki grinned at her again.
"Let's see what you're reading, huh?"

"N-no!!!" She began jumping to reach her phone with renewed efforts.

But nothing could be done.

" 'Maia, please, don't you see? I'm nothing without you, you've come into my life and reshaped and melded it into something entirely new! But this structure; this beautiful, life changing statue, has you at its core. Please don't leave me!' Rae shouted, tears streaming down his face,mixing with the raindrops pelting them both.

Maia gasped, matching tears streaming from her eyes.
' I-I'm no good for you! You're better than this- you deserve better! I love you-' "

Kaneki's story reading was over as (F/n) finally snatched the phone from his grasp.

"Hey!" He laughed. "I was enjoying that!"

She grumbled something about what an idiot he was before shoving her beloved phone back in her pocket, her face tomato red with embarrassment.
She turned away from him, not wanting him to see how ashamed she was.

"Hey now," he said, hugging her from behind.
"I'm sorry, I thought it was funny. I didn't mean to upset you.

The girls ears felt like they were on fire.
He was...hugging her...

"A-Anyways. Let's just watch the movie."

The movie was Studio Ghiblis "Spirited away"
(Honestly such a good movie you should watch it)

About forty five minutes in and (f/n) felt something warm around your shoulder...
His arm.


If her inner dialogue could actually form words at the moment, that's what they would say.

She held her breath, not moving a single muscle in her body.

Don't creep him out don't scare him away don't screw this up- Arghhh!"

"(F/n)?Are you alright? You don't look too good... you're all tense!"

Well, shit.

"I'm fine!" She squeaked out.

He smiled his sunshine smile before gently patting her pretty (h/l) (h/c) hair.

After another hour and a bit the movie finally came to an end with (F/n)s head resting on his shoulder, his head on resting on her head, and both their eyes half lidded with tiredness.

"Kaneki," The girl  yawned loudly.
"Mmm?" He mumbled, too exhausted to form coherent words.
"The movies-" pause to yawn yet again, "-over."
"Should I... should I leave?"
"No... stay..."

(F/n)s eyes widened as he said this, she looked up at his snowy white hair and pale face, his beautiful, kind face and wondered how could this innocent boy be what everyone said about him?
A vicious killer
A kakuja
A cannibal

Slowly, (f/n) began to drift off into sleep with Kaneki, before falling asleep she heard Kaneki whisper, his voice thick with drowsiness:



Ha this was terrible I don't know how to write fluff but I tried :/

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