Shirazu Ginshi x reader

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Requested by @pixelgoth
Okay so in this story you are part of the Quinx squad, and you have nothing to do.

You groaned, flicking through the countless cheesy Japanese dramas that were constantly on TV.

You paused on one that seemed slightly less false than the others.

"Takashi-san, I-I love you!" Screams a perfect blonde.

"Nakamura, leave now. I don't want to hurt you, I can't control myself...I'm a monster."


The heartfelt scene changed to a cooking show, then a K-drama, then a live feed of some mildly unknown idols performance, then another drama.

"Boring!" You groaned, flinging yourself back onto the sofa.

8pm on a Friday in the middle of summer? Most young people would have a party to go to, or at least a family dinner.
But nope, you were stuck inside.
Doing nothing.
Because your life, despite you being a part of the revolutionary new CCG experiment, was pretty boring.


You heard the rattling of keys at the door, and seconds later your squad mate, Shirazu, made his grand entrance into the living room.

"Hi (Y/n)," he said,throwing himself onto the couch next to you. "Whatcha doing?"

You sighed dramatically.
"Nothing! There's nothing good to watch and I'm bored. Entertain me!" You ordered, pouting slightly.

He mumbled something under his breath and ran a hand through his spiky hair.
A grin suddenly lit up his face.

"What?" You gaped,open mouthed at your squad leader.

He had a stony faced expression, one you weren't quite used to. He patted the seat of his motorcycle behind him.

"You wanted to be entertained? Didn't you? A motorcycle ride at sunset in Tokyo seems pretty entertaining to me."

"Well, yes but..."
It also seems pretty romantic...

You paused for a few moments. He was your squad mate? Right? A colleague. Right? This was a perfectly platonic thing to do.


"Let's go." You mumbled, trying your best to cover up your squeals of excitement as you sat behind him on the motorcycle.

With your arms round his waist, he revved the engine and sped out the driveway.

Shirazu began to speed up, until the roads and alleys passed by in a blur of colour and wind.

Occasionally you'd catch a glimpse of a lit porch, drunk college kids hanging out in the streets, a stray cat emerging from the trash or a couple walking home together, hand in hand.
But the rest was lost in the blur.

Your eyes began to water and tear up, and you pressed your face into the back of his leather jacket. It smelled so old and could've stayed there forever...

"We're here."

Unfortunately you couldn't do that, and you were rudely interrupted from your bliss.

You had stopped in a dimly lit street, the smell of street food and coffee smothering most of your senses.

It was awkward getting off the motorcycle, which meant you tripped and would've smacked your face in the concrete...if Shirazu hadn't caught you in time.

"Thanks..." you muttered, a heavy blush spreading across your cheeks.

He looked away...blushing as well??
Maybe he was just embarrassed for your sake, I mean you did just trip trying to stand up.

The two of you walked down the glowing street together, until you came to a small vending stall.

"Two got chocolates."

He fished some crumpled yen out of his trouser pockets, before turning back to you, a shark toothed grin on his face, with two steaming cups of cocoa.

A matching smile lit up your face as you took one of the cups.

1am and you were sitting on a park bench, the hot chocolate cups lay discarded in your laps.

"Shirazu?" You breathed.
"Mmm? What is it (Y/n)?" He mumbled, just as half asleep as you.
"Do you mind if I rest my head on your shoulder?"


"Sure, do whatever you like."

Pressing your face into his leather jacket again, you began to drift off into dream land.

Shirazu...why are you so comfortable?

Tokyo Ghoul oneshots x reader Where stories live. Discover now