月山 習 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ Tsukiyama x human! Reader

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WOOP 100 reads!!! Ty it means a lot and btw I'm going to start writing an assassination classroom x reader book (not oneshots exactly but kinda)


You were slumped over in the booth of a dingy old retro diner.
The fluorescent lights flickered on and off constantly, giving you a migraine.

How did you get to be in this disgusting restaurant, your hair a mess and your work clothes rumpled and gross?
Well, to put it in short:
You'd been fired that afternoon.

For something as minor as spilling coffee over your bosses lunch... and suit...and computer...and somehow his Apple Watch as well.

It was an accident though!

You were deep in thought about how to get your job back when the the bell on the door rang.

You looked up to see a tall man walk through the door, dressed in the most expensive looking suit you'd ever seen.
He looked scarily out of place in this shit hole of a diner.

That was the word for it; he looked like a villain from an old fashioned movie.

Your heart rate quickened as he turned his head towards you, his nostrils flared slightly, and he smiled widely.

"ma chérie, tu es simplement belle!"
He said, walking towards you.

You went bright red and looked to your side, nobody else was in the diner.
He was talking to you?

"-et votre parfum est encore plus beau que votre visage."

You shook your head slightly.
"Um, excuse me sir you must have the wrong person- I-I don't understand-"

He slid into the booth opposite you.
"Why is such a beauty stuck in a place like this?"
He said, staring straight into you (e/c) eyes with his startling purple ones.

You blushed and said nothing, not sure quite how to react.

"Why don't we go someplace else? I know an incredible restaurant we can visit, not too far away from this place...actually. It's so good you feel like you're dying."
He licked his lips.

"Um, no thank you sir-"

"Sir? I'm not much older than you are!"

"Oh-Oh of course but you dress so expensively you seem so unapproachable-" You stammered.

He smiled slightly.
"Then why don't I make myself much more approachable, ma chérie."
He leaned forward over the table.
"-you do smell positively delicious-"

You leaned backwards away from him and were about to make some excuse about why you had to suddenly leave for a family emergency when the waitress appeared with your milkshake.

"An order of a (favourite flavour) milkshake? Ayy, there ya go. That'll be 25."

25??? For a milkshake???
You thought in shock.

Before you could complain or say anything the mysterious purple haired man threw an 100 at her face.
"Keep the change." He said, with a scowl on his face.

You gasped at him as the waitress hurried off cheering.
"My name is Tsukiyama. Call me that. And may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

You gulped.
"(L/n) (F/n)."
You felt his velvety eyes bore into you.

"It's been enchanting to meet you, (F/n)."

You talked for a bit after that.
He mainly asked about you, strange questions, like how your sleep schedule was, how your diet was, where you were from and how much exercise you did.
It was weird, but fascinating to talk to someone so curious.

"(F/n), may I have your permission to walk you back to your apartment?"

You thought for a moment, then nodded.
Okay, this guy seems...interesting.

You never made it back to your apartment.

You were about halfway back when he pushed you into an alley.
"T-Tsukiyama? What are you doing?" You squeaked, you could feel your heart beat in your ears.

You looked up at his eyes and noticed that beautiful purple was gone; they had been replaced by ghouls eyes.

You opened your mouth to scream but he clamped a hand over it.
"It's pointless to scream now, ma chérie. Besides, it would ruin the experience if someone walked in on us..."

He placed his mouth on your shoulder and ripped off a large chunk.

The pain made thick tears roll down your cheeks.

"Trés bien! Exquisite! You're almost as good as my dearest Kaneki!"

You chomped down hard on his hand in an effort to get him to release you: it didn't seem to affect him much.

He continued to rip small parts off your shoulder, until blood was trickling down your entire body and your clothes were ruined.
Suddenly, he straightened up.

"I will not enjoy such deliciousness in a disgusting Tokyo alley. Nor will I share you with others at the restaurant." He said grandly. You could feel your sight going dark, your vision fading away until it was just him surrounded by complete and utter darkness.

"Come, ma chérie!" He laughed, throwing his head back and cackling insanely.

The last thing you felt before you passed out was his hands cupping your face softly.

"You truly are beautiful..."


Sorry for this absolute garbage I've got exams coming up so it's tricky for me to write :/
But anyway hope you enjoyed and one day I will write a much better Tsukiyama fanfic :)

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