亜門 鋼太朗 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ Amon Koutarou x subordinate!reader

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"Second class investigator (L/n)?
You turned away from the coffee machine to see who was addressing you.
"Sir?" You said, you had no clue who this guy was.
He was tall, like really tall. Like 6ft.3. Broad shoulders and hair that looked like it was naturally messy but had been forced down into neatish messy. Thick eyebrows and the most beautiful eyes you'd ever seen. You couldn't exactly place their colour; kind of blue, kind of green.
"My name is Kotarou Amon and you'll be my subordinate from now on. It's a pleasure to be working with you."
He said everything so seriously it almost made you giggle.
"Nice to meet you, Amon Koutarou. I look forward to working with you too." You said, smiling slightly.
He didn't seem to notice anything, but he nodded solemnly.
"Good, because I was thinking we could do some training now."
"Now? Like right now? Okay, if that's what you want."


You walked into the training room in your training clothes, black loose trousers and t-shirt, you found Amon already training. He was in the same CCG issued training clothes, but he still looked like some kind of god.
Ugh. Hot people were so annoying.

"(Y/n)," Amon said, not hesitating in his continual chin ups.
"We'll start with general fitness, move on to combat, and then we can use our quinques."
You gulped. General fitness with Amon Koutarou sounded like torture already.
"Okay..." You said weakly.
Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as it sounded?

It was worse than it sounded.
Starting right off the bat with a "quick" cardio, which involved 20minutes of running at twice your usual pace. Then onto upper body, fifty pushups for you, two hundred for him.
Stomach/abs: 250 sit-ups, fifty v-sits, 75 leg raises.
Legs: 150 squats, leg lifts with weights and non-stop power kicks for five minutes against a body dummy.

At the end of this traumatic ordeal you were slumped against the wall outside the training room. You couldn't move a single muscle and everything hurt. You thought academy training had been tough.
You were wrong.

"(Y/n)?" Amon said worriedly.
You raised your head with the last of your remaining strength.
"Amon-" You croaked.
"(Y/n)! You don't look to good," he said, crouching in front of you. "You're pale, and your eyes are all bloodshot-"
He, on the other hand, looked great. He had a light sheen of sweat, his hair was all cute and messy, but he didn't seem to be struggling at all. He smelled like something you couldn't place- sea spray? Leather? Rain? You didn't know.
"-fine..." you rasped.
I need, some water... You thought. Even your thoughts were tired and thick.
You felt your eyes flutter shut gently.
Two strong arms snaked around you, lifting you up bridal style.

"If you were struggling this much why didn't you tell me?" He murmured.

Small timeskip

When you woke up you were in the CCGs medical room, in a comfy white bed that smelled like all hospitals smelled like, clean and slightly lemony.

You looked at the clock on the wall.
It read 1:30am.
Well, shit.

What happened? You remember being really tired, and leaving the training room, so what happened?

You stretched up, your aching muscles screaming. As you did this, you noticed Amon sitting in the white leather arm chair by the window.
You clambered out the bed and across the floor, your legs not responding to you properly.

When you reached him, you took a moment to look at him.

His dark hair was still messy, covering his eyebrows and falling in his eyes. He had his elbow propped up on the arm of the chair, his cheek resting on his hand, squashing up his sharp face slightly.
He was so formal it was adorable. Even his suit was pressed and perfect.

"Amon," you whispered in the darkness. "Amon? Wake up," you said, shaking his arm.

He jumped awake suddenly. His bright eyes worried.
"(Y/n)! Sorry-I fell asleep I'm so sorry-"
"Why are you apologising? It's my fault for passing out-"
"No, no it's not. I wanted to show you I was a strong fighter, so I pushed you too far. I wanted to prove I was a leader, but instead I pushed you past your limit. It was a horrible thing to do and I'm so sorry-"
He went on like this for about five minutes. He was so cute, but he had to shut up soon.
So, you leaned forward and kissed him.

His eyes widened, his hands still by his side, lips not responding to yours.
You pulled away and wiped the back of your hand across your mouth.
"Good, now that you're quiet, let me just say:
You're new to being a leader, I'm new to being an investigator at all, so we'll work things out together, hmm?"

He nodded mutely.
You rolled your eyes. "Honestly, you've kissed people before, right?"
He nodded again, the moonlight coming through the blinds leaving patterns across his face and body.

"Amon, are you okay?"
No response.
"Amon? Oh god- are you having a panic attack? Amon? Did I do something?"
"Amon? Amon-"
He leaned in and kissed you again, you were so surprised you didn't know how to react, but then your mind deactivated itself and you kissed back.

And that's how your night ended, your hands clasped in his hair, his lightly on your shoulders, moonlight and starlight beaming through the blinds of the CCG medical room.


Hey if anybody reads this please tell me what character you want next, until next time!

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