Sasaki x reader pt.2

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TRIGGER WARNING: blood/bad language

Let's continue then shall we?


After Sasaki had cleaned up the broken glass, he got to work cleaning and bandaging your wounds.
"Sorry if this hurts," he said, dabbing at your cuts with warm salty water. You winced slightly and he looked up in concern.
You were sitting on the kitchen counter, and you two were practically on the same level now.
You smiled at him and promised it was fine and that you barely felt anything. You watched him as he carefully and gently cleaned up all the blood and wrapped your arms tightly in bandages. You rolled up your bloodstained jeans so that he could do your legs as well.

The air was hot and thick, more so than it usually was. As if on cue, another subordinate burst into the room.
"Sasaki! You're back early? Also the air conditioning is broken-" he stopped as he saw the bloody basin of water and Sasaki kneeling on the ground.
The subordinate let out a small squeak before racing back up the stairs.
You looked down at Sasaki,
"What was that all about?" He shrugged and stood up. Now that you were on the same level again, you realised how close you were.
Awkward silence.
"So you're okay now?" He asked quickly, blushing but not moving away. You nodded.
"Are you sure?" You nodded again.
"Your lip is bleeding," he said. You raised your hand to wipe away the blood but Sasaki was faster, his finger lightly brushing your lip. This succeeded in nothing but smearing it across your cheek.
"Sorry," he said, wincing slightly. You were too shocked to say anything, Sasaki was so close to you now, like really close. If you leaned forward just a tiny bit, you could kiss him.

Kiss him?? What are you thinking?? You're his subordinate, you're co-workers, besides he wouldn't like someone like you.

You stared down in your lap as Sasaki tried to rub the blood off with his thumb. His fingers trailed across your collarbones and you gulped.
"(y/n)," he breathed in your ear, somehow he had gotten even closer, your knees digging into his hard stomach.
"Excuse me," you said after a moment, pushing him away gently and landing lightly on the ground. Your cuts stung painfully but you ignored it, turning and bounding up the stairs to your room, leaving a disappointed Sasaki behind.

You paced your room restlessly. It was boiling, you were just in shorts and a tank. Without the AC it felt as though your skin was melting off your bones and into a sweaty puddle on the ground. You felt horrible, the heat only added to it. Sasaki wasn't doing anything wrong! You had just read the situation badly. Yes, that was it. He was out of your league anyway. You hadn't even said thank you and he had saved you and bandaged and cleaned your wounds.
You had to go say thank you now, right? Apologise for being disrespectful and and plain stupid.

His room was just down the corridor. Your heart hammering too loudly in your chest, you knocked on his door. He opened it almost immediately.
"Sasaki-" you said with a smile-before you noticed he was shirtless. You froze.
He was leaning casually against the door, not seeming to notice that you were staring at his abs. My god, those abs. Why was he wearing such low cut jeans? It was just unnecessary. You weren't sure if you had even seen him in jeans before.
"(y/n)?" He said, confused.
You forced your eyes up to his. Yes, sorry, just...distracted." Shit why did you say that??
He smirked.
"What did you want to talk to me about?"
You gulped in the thick heavy air, why couldn't it be winter when he would've been fully clothed??
"I just wanted to say thank you, for...saving me. And for cleaning and bandaging my wounds. And for being so nice to me. And I'm sorry if I read the situation wrong downstairs I was just being being stupid-" you didn't get any further, because his lips were suddenly on yours. You tangled your hands into his short hair as his hands shakily took their place on your back. He pulled you in closer, and you could feel the heat rolling off his chest.
"Sasaki-" you mumbled, breaking apart for half a second. He didn't let your lips part for longer than that, before he kissed you again.
"You don't need to thank me for any of that; I'd do it anyway."


I hope this chapter was up to your standards, I've got a plane journey now so I'll be writing loads :) next chapter will be Ayato x reader

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