"Ash's here." Jessica said and hopping down the desk, she sat beside me while Emily sat next to Ashton behind me. The class ended quickly, much more than I expected and the bell rang. Ashton didn't even bother acknowledging my presence and deep down I don't why I was hoping he would apologize for being so rude to me but I forgot this was Ashton White, the heir of White Enterprises we were talking about.

The day was boring except for our chit-chats that too when Ashton was away. Tyler, when he saw me once gave an acknowledging smile but we never talked. On the other hand, I didn't even get to see Noah as he was mostly glued with Ashton and Tyler. The day ended quickly and once again I was back to my dorms.

Next day the entire day I studied but the anticipation of working was not letting anything settle in my brain. My work had to begin at 6.00 but being my usual self I was at the restaurant at 5.00. But somehow it worked out in my favour. As I entered the wave of familiarity hit me. This place felt as if I was in India and felt good. I walked over to the owner's office and knocked on his door. Amandeep, my owner, must be in his late 50s and I call him Uncle. He is slightly well built and is really tall. He belongs to Sikh community and I was happy to find a one in London. He wears a turban and has a beard, like every Sikh because of their belief that allowing one's hair to grow naturally is a respect for the perfection of God's creation and it's good to see people following their beliefs even in a different country.

"May I come in?" I said nervously to draw his attention and he looked up at me.

"Kavya...Come in...So early?" He asked looking at the watch.

"Yes...It was my first day and I kind of wanted to be on time." I admitted sheepishly and he chuckled.

"Well since you are here, I'll ask Karan to give you tour around the place. He will also explain to you all your duties and work." He informed me and I nodded. He then picked up his phone and called someone in and within in few minutes he was in the office.

"Papa you called me?" Karan asked as he entered. He was tall and slightly heavy but well-built like his father. He was dressed in chef's clothes. Like his father, he also wears a turban. "Yes." He said and then looked at me.

"Kavya...he is my son Karandeep, Karan she is Kavya, she will be working here with us." He said and he extended his hand and I took it.

"Nice to have you here. We really needed some help." In contrast to his father's plain Indian accent, he had that thick British accent and it was hard to understand him a bit.

"It's my pleasure working with you all."

"Karan, show her around and let her know the work she has to do." Uncle said and Karan nodded and led me to the kitchen first. He introduced me to the other two chefs. He told me his speciality, which is Fried Chicken and Butter Chicken, which I will definitely have the pleasure of eating one day. He showed me around the restaurant and everything and explained my work. He was a nice guy, very polite, very humble.

Soon the crowd started filling in and wearing my apron I started working. It was difficult at first but soon I started learning. But I will easily admit that I struggled a lot. Karan was very busy cooking and along with one more waitress, I started my work. Amandeep was right, the place really gets crowded but what was good to see that not only Indians but Londoners were also interested in Indian food delighted me.

Some people gave me tips which, I was uncomfortable with and first kept on the counter for Uncle but then he told me it was mine. I earned 28 pounds just as a tip and I was happy. Somehow learning how to work and adjusting with everything, the day ended. I removed my apron and kept it back safely in my locker which was provided to me.

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