《 chapter eleven 》

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It was morning and everyone was busy with preparing for the wedding of Prince Tommen with Lady Amaryllis of House Martell.

In Tommen's chambers, he was just getting bathed by his servant while he was conversing with his mother, brother and his grandfather, who are still in his bedchamber.

"So you have prepared your vows, Tommen?" "Yes mother, I've told you a thousand times by now," he says to his mother. The whole day a big smile was plastered on his face, so he couldn't really seem irritated or angry.

It was the day. The day he would marry his Lady. He would get to show his love for her to everyone who wanted to see and he would get to be together with her.. forever.

What reason was there not to smile?

"It is cloaking her, the names of the Seven, the usual vows and then a kiss." His mother wanted to say something when the doors to his bedchamber open. It was Myrcella.

"Myrcella! Have you seen Am-Lady Amaryllis yet," Tommen asks. He was eager to know what his bride would look like, what kind of dress she would wear and everything else there was to know.

"Well, her handmaiden showed me her gown. It was really beautiful, yet sort of simple. Unfortunately I was not allowed to enter her chambers. They're really secretive.."

"Maybe because she wants to hide how ugly she is," Joffrey jokes. Nobody said anything to him or reacted on his comment. Before Joffrey could get angry about that his grandfather stands up from his seat.

"I will make sure the Martells are happy with everything and the Sept is ready for the wedding. Tommen, make sure you know every single one of your vows. We do not want to cause an awkward situation there for you, the Martells or our house."

"Of course grandfather," Tommen replies. The servant who was helping him bathe was scrubbing the skin on his back while another servant displayed the robes he was to wear today.

It was a grey overcoat with a golden belt around his waist and dark grey breeches. He would wear leather black boots with a golden belt on the outside of each of them.

Joffrey and Myrcella leave his chambers together when it was time for him to come out of his bath. His servants rub him dry and he dismisses them then. He walks over to his bedchambers, the lower half of his body clothed while he was pulling his dress shirt over his head.

"This is going to be the best day of your life, my son, I promise you," his mother smiles, watching him dress up from his place by the bed.

"Thank you, mother." He turns his back to her while putting on the overcoat. "Mother, could you be totally honest with me and tell me what you think of.. of my bride?"

"Your bride? Well, I think she is.. kind, witty as well. She would make a great queen if Joffrey wasn't already bethroted-" The thought of his brother marrying his Amaryllis made him mad"- but I am sure that she wouldn't want to be wed to Joffrey. No, she is a perfect woman for you. And after today, she'll all be yours."

The feeling of having some sort of right over her tingles in his body. She would be his, only his. He would lay every night in the same bed as her, sometimes even trying to have children with her.

"What if she's not ready?" "What do you mean, Tommen," his mother asks, putting her goblet of wine on the small table after having taken a sip from it. "What if she doesn't want to share my bed?"

"Well, it has to happen to make your marriage completely done. If she doesn't, the marriage isn't fulfilled." "I was not talking about 'having to', I was talking about 'will she want it'."

"That's something to find out tonight," his mother smirks. She helps him tie the overcoat shut. "I have already made sure there won't be a bedding ceremony. I thought you two wouldn't be comfortable with that."

"Thank you mother," he smiles. "Anything for my children," she says, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"It is nearly time to leave for the Sept. Are you ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be," he replies, smiling brightly.

He walks down the Red Keep with his mother and enters the Sept. People are bowing for the Prince and the Queen-Mother as they pass by. Tommen takes the steps towards the altar and greets the High Septon.

"Are you ready, my Prince," he asks. "As ready as someone can be." "Then we shall wait for your bride to arrive and start the ceremony."

Well, they didn't have to wait very long for that. Within ten minutes the heavy doors to the Sept are opened by the guards and his bride walks inside.

She was honestly perfect.

She was like a goddess as she walks down and stops to grasp her father's arm. She was wearing a very light salmon pink dress that has roses around her waist, her back and her neckline. Her veil was completely made of lace and a golden tiara with roses shines on her head.

His mother was right: she would make a perfect queen. But not with Joffrey, never with his brother. She would make a perfect queen for him.

She holds her father's arm, who was dressed in the same colours as his daughter, while they walk down. Everyone stares.

Her father let her hand go when they reached the altar. She looks at him for a moment and lifts her skirts while walking the last steps up towards him and the High Septon.

"My king, your grace, your grace and all the lords and ladies of Westeros. We are all here to witness the union of Prince Tommen of House Baratheon and House Lannister and Lady Amaryllis of House Martell. Prince Tommen, you may cloak your bride and bring her under your protection."

Tommen grasps the cloak with the Baratheon sigil that his uncle Jaime hands him. He softly drapes it over the bare skin of his wife's arms and shoulders. He looks back at the High Septon.

"Stand opposite each other and speak your vows."

They turn to each other and hold each others hands. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days." She speaks with him, only she says 'I am his and he is mine'.

Everybody looks at them, but for Tommen it feels as if he was alone in the world with his bride.

"One heart, one soul, one flesh. A union is born." Everybody turns his gaze to Tommen, who was extra excited about this part.

"With this kiss, I pledge my love." He cups her cheek through her veil and presses a kiss on the lace material. He promises himself: one day he will taste her bare lips.

"I love you," he whispers very softly against her lips while everyone still thinks they're kissing. He could swear he feels her lips twitching beneath her veil into a smile.

And the whole audience applauses..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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《 LADY WITH THE VEIL 》T. BARATHEON [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now