《 chapter six 》

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"What is that stupid woman doing," Joffrey hisses to mother. Tommen narrows his eyes with hatred towards his brother. How dare he insult his bethroted?

"What she is doing might be great for your image, my king," grandfather Tywin says to Joffrey.

"What do you mean grandfather," Myrcella asks, finally walking away from swooning over Trystane to join her family.

"Lady Amaryllis will marry into our family. She is beloved by many and these actions make sure it stays that way. So, she will make Tommen look better and the whole Lannister family."

Tommen looks at the open door of the orphanage and hears giggling inside.

"Can I go, mother," he asks, still staring. His mother wanted to say no but grandfather sends her a glare that says 'let him'.

Tommen walks forward, through the wall of guards, and inside the orphanage.

He sees his lady sitting on the dusty ground, playing some kind of hand-clap game with a small boy while the others watch with interest.

Tommen walks forward. "May I join, my lady," he asks, looking at her.

It was sad that he could not see her facial expression: if she was smiling at his try or was disgusted at him with his family name and wanted him to stay away from her.

But her voice proved all. "I am glad you join us, Tommen. Look who is here everybody," Amaryllis squeals childishly. The other kids squeal as well.

Tommen sits down on the dirty stone floor next to his lady. He notices how cold and moist it was in the large room. These children were really vulnerable for sickness.

He feels sad for all these hungry, dirty children without their parents. He knew the hunger was a problem that more people had in King's Landing, and all because of Joffrey and his wars.

"Lady?" "Yes Meira," Lady Amaryllis asks. "Are you and the prince going to marry, you know, like those fairytale weddings," the small child asks.

Tommen was obviously blushing, but he wasn't sure about his lady..

The damned veil, he hoped he would get to take it off during their.. wedding night. Only the thought of having his wedding night made him blush even harder.

"Yes, we are. Do you guys like that," Amaryllis asks around. They all chant 'yeeeessss', making his bethroted laugh and clasping her hands together. Her laugh sounds like water clatering down in a waterfall.

"It seems as if our marriage is popular, Tommen," she smiles. Her hand touches his for a moment and a spark goes down his spine.

"And what about the marriage of the king with Lady Margaery," she asks. The children visibly changed their demeanor and were a little hesitant to answer.

"My daddy died in the war of the Five Kings under the king's demand.. it's his fault he died," a small boy mumbled. It was the same boy she played the hand-clap game with and he snuggled up to her chest.

Tommen could say he was a little bit jealous to see the young boy so close to her.. bosom.

"I'm so sorry for you honey.. you have my condolences. I can understand you are not enthusiastic, but promise me: never say this in someone else's presence, ever," his Lady warns the small boy.

His eyes widen with fear and Tommen hated it. His bethroted was right though: if Joffrey heard this he would order the slaughter of this little boy of just 5 years old. She was smarter and more strong than he thought she would be.

The guards from outside walk inside, holding their spears in their hands. "The Hand of the King asks Prince Tommen and Lady Amaryllis to return to the procession. We are here to escort you two."

Tommen stands up and gives his hand to Amaryllis, but she stays on her place. She seems to look up to his eyes, though Tommen could not see that.

"What about the children? They are going to starve, Tommen," she whispers, her voice breaking with emotion. Tommen's eyes soften at seeing her sitting on the ground like that, holding the hand of one of the weak, fragile children. He could see the small, too thin arms of the children.. they really were going to die if they didn't get fed soon.

"Guards, can you make sure that these children get food?" "I'm sorry my prince, but I'm afraid the king would not allow it." A strong voice appears from behind Tommen.

"Then order my family to send food for these children. I will pay it from my own gold coins," Lady Amaryllis says from behind him. They look at her, eyes wide with shock. He smiles at his bethroted. She was so kind-hearted.

Just so sad that she was supposed to live in King's Landing after they were married. King's Landing, the city of lies.

《 LADY WITH THE VEIL 》T. BARATHEON [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now