Elliot chuckles as he shakes his head, his figure fast approaching, "You know, you're hot when you are bossy."

I reach out to smack his arm, "I am not bossy."

"You are." He steps forward right in front of my legs and I roll my eyes at his antics.

My voice is taunting as I look him dead in the eye, "I know what game you're playing at and it's not going to happen. Clothes. Now." I point towards his bedroom, knowing he has something else on his mind.

He doesn't listen to me and leans down, his breath lightly fanning my face, "Can't we be just a little late?"

Elliot's lips start trailing down my neck as I quietly protest, "We really shouldn't..." His shoulders shrug at my response as he continues leaving kisses on my neck, urging me to give in. I let out a frustrated sigh before using my hands to pull his head up to meet my lips instead.

I can feel him smirk into the kiss, knowing that he won this round. I wrap my legs securely around his waist as he lifts me up and carries me to his room.


I apparate us to Shell Cottage, knowing that we are quite late. My fingers brush through my long hair, pulling at the knots embedded throughout.

We walk in and my jaw drops when I see my friends standing before me. Harry, Hermione, and Ron meet me halfway and I immediately throw my arms around the three. Relief fills me, glad that the trio have stayed safe through all of this.

Once we pull away from the hug, I notice the dark circles underneath all of their eyes. The light they usually hold in their eyes has vanished and red brims around their eyes. I frown at the sight, knowing that something upsetting must have happened.

I quickly ask, "What happened?"

Harry looks away at my words while Hermione sadly tells me, "We were captured and taken to the Malfoy Manor. Dobby saved us but...he didn't make it." Another tear rolls down her cheek as Harry stands by a window looking out to the ocean.

I walk up behind him and notice him staring at a little makeshift grave that I assume was made for the kind house elf. Offering quiet support, I place my hand on his shoulder, "I am so sorry." He nods, his eyes not leaving the grave.

A strange scent catches my attention, making me walk back towards Hermione. Realizing that I smell blood, I carefully grab her arm. Gently, I roll up her sleeve to reveal 'Mudblood' carved into her forearm.

My face falls as I let out a soft gasp, "Who did this to you?"

Hermione's eyes seal tightly shut, almost as if reliving the recent memory of torture. The name comes out like venom, "Bellatrix." I bring her close into another hug, knowing that the moment will play on repeat in her head for a while. I'm glad I no longer cause that kind of pain on others, but I hate that someone as kind as Hermione had to experience something so awful.

Her eyes travel to Elliot who is awkwardly still standing by the door, causing her to raise her eyebrows at me, "Who is this?"

I gesture for Elliot to come next to me and he does just that. "Hermione, Ron, Harry...this is Elliot." They all introduce themselves and finally the happily married couples joins in as well. The twins walk in, yet Fred shoots glares at Elliot and I can tell that Elliot is pretending not to notice.

While they all acquaint themselves, Hermione pulls me into the next room. Her eyes analyze me, "You need to fill me in now because I have a lot of thoughts about the guy standing in the other room."

I brush a hand through my hair subconsciously before responding to the curious, protective girl, "I don't need to tell you that the guy is Elliot, my first love, since it's clear you've put that much together. It's a long story, but he was turned into a vampire and fell prisoner to my father before and after we were human. I didn't know all the facts, so we are working through it."

The Original WitchМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя