Chapter 4

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"You fancy me?" I could hear the shocked tone in his voice.


All of a sudden he burst out laughing. I picked myself up off my bed and gave him a dirty look. He stopped laughing.

"Oh, you're not joking" he bit his lip.

"No I'm not" I shook my head.

"How long have you... um y'know."

"Since you left for Hamburg" I sighed.

"That long?? And you never said anything?"

"No Geo. I was nervous you were never going to talk to me again" I looked down.

"Cilia I would never do that to you" he laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"I know, I know. I just didn't want my heart broken."

"Cilia, I'd never break your heart" he pouted.

Just then, the door to my room opened revealing my father, who looked slightly angry.

"George you know I love you to death but, you can't be hanging about Cecilia's room" my dad gave George the evil eye.

"Sorry Mr. Rowe I'll just be leaving now. I'll ring you later Cilia" he said awkwardly then bolted out of my room.


I was on the phone with Julie explaining everything that had happened the night before and this morning.

"He fell asleep on your bed and held you in his arms?!? How cute" she gushed.

"Yeah but then this morning my dad came in and George probably saw that as a window to avoid talking about the fact that I fancy him" I sighed.

"I'm sure he was just scared your dad was gonna kill 'em. I mean, come on your dad's like 6'5 and George is well... shorter than that" she chucked.

"I dunno" I mumbled "he probably won't even call me."

"Don't be so down on yourself. It could've been worse" she reassured me.

"I guess you're right... I'll call you later, okay?"

"I better be getting an update if George calls."

"Of course" I laughed and hung up.


I had waited all day for George to ring me as he said he would but, the call never came. It was torture just thinking that I actually told George that I fancied him and the fact that he wasn't calling me made it even worse.

"He's probably busy Cecilia" my mom said as she took a pan out of the oven.

"It's raining cats and dogs out mum, I don't think he's busy" I sighed.

"Don't worry about it honey. He's your best friend. He'll call" she gave me a small smile.

I sat down at our kitchen table, eating the meal that my mum had just placed in front of me. My dad sat down across from me and the three of us sat and ate dinner in silence.

After dinner I helped my mum clean up the dishes and the rest of the kitchen.

"Your dad and I are going to head over to the grocery Alright?" My mum said after we had finished cleaning.

"That's fine" I gave her a weak smile.

They left and I sat down on the couch in my living room. Them leaving gave me more time to over think everything that happened today which obviously, wasn't good.

After about thirty minutes of me thinking of everything that went wrong, there was a knock on my front door. I sighed and got up to open it and when I did, there stood a soaking wet George Harrison.

"Hi" he mumbled and looked down.

"George what are you doing out in the rain. Get inside" I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.

"I've just been overthinking everything that happened today" he said while shivering.

"What do you mean?" I acted like I wasn't just doing the same thing two seconds ago.

"I should've called. I got nervous" he sighed.

"Why were you nervous Geo?" I said as we both sat down on the couch.

"Well for starters, I think I fancy you back. I was just nervous we were gonna screw our friendship up but I don't think that's really a problem" he spoke quickly and awkwardly.

"You think you fancy me back?" I said quietly.

"Yeah" he blushed a bit and looked down "I think it's a good idea to take things off slow."

"I agree. Let's not tell anyone either... I don't want John, Pete, Stuart or Paul to know yet. Paul especially" I chuckled a bit.

"Don't worry I won't blab about it to them" George chuckled softly and grabbed my hand.

I smiled at him.

"Don't go call Julie right after I leave either. You know she has a big mouth and it will get around to the lads somehow" George raised an eyebrow at me.

"I won't" I rolled my eyes.

"Alright. God I can't believe I tried to get you to go steady with Paul" he snickered.

"Geo when you said you knew who I liked I thought I felt my heart fall into my stomach. I thought you were onto me!" I laughed.

"I'm a little oblivious, thank you very much" he smiled.

"I could tell."

"Well, since we are an item now, would you want to come see us preform at the Cavern again? I could really use your support" he smiled brightly.

"Of course! I'd be happy to."


Wow so this is really short but I'm having terrible writers block right now! That's why it also took me so long to finish this chapter but, I hope you guys enjoy it!


My Sweet Lord {George Harrison}Where stories live. Discover now