Chapter 8

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We decided to leave Kid’s house and head to Black*Star’s place.  He told me that I would be sharing a room with him because we’re family and because his room is bigger since he has some exercise equipment that he could move somewhere else.  I don’t mind sharing a room with him, but I hope he doesn’t make me sleep on the floor. That would totally be uncool.  We said our goodbyes to everyone as we headed out the door.  We started heading towards Black*Star’s place when I just remembered the race me and him were supposed to have.

“Hey Lone*Star, you ready to get beaten by me again?” Black*Star asked.

‘I rolled my eyes at the name Black*Star called me. ‘I really hate that name!’
“Sure but the only one who’s gonna get beaten is you” I smirked. ‘He has no idea how fast I am now’

“Ha, I like to see you try. Tsubaki you tell us when to go.”

“Alright then” Tsubaki smiled.

Black*Star and I both got into our positions to start the race. But right before we were about to race, I just realized something important…I don’t know where exactly he live. This could end up in me losing and being humiliated by Black*Star for the rest of the night. Right before we were about to start the race I quickly asked Tsubaki where they lived. She told me to go straight until I get to the café, then I should turn right and go straight until I see a house with Black*Star’s autograph on the side. 

“Ready…Set…Go!” Tsubaki shouted.

Black*Star and I began running as fast as we could. He took the lead, but I was catching up fast. I didn’t want to unleash my new fast speed right away. I wanted to give Black*Star some hope of beating me, even though he has no chance at all. We were nearing the café, this is where I decided to take the lead. Right when we both turn I’m going to show him the true speed of a ninja! ‘Oh Shinigami-sama I’m starting to sound like Black*Star now, this is not good. I don’t want to be like him at all. But then again, I am just stating the truth whereas Black*Star is saying what he wants to be the truth.’ We turned the corner and this is where I will unleash the true ninja speed. I started picking up my pace and in a matter of seconds I passed Black*Star up. I ran ahead of him by a good two or three houses. There is no doubt in my mind that Black*Star will try anything to beat me. Not that he is a cheater or anything but he would push himself as far his body would let him before he passes out of exhaustion. I spotted his house coming up, it was really easy to find since he had his autograph all over the side of the house. I ran up the stairs and touched the door with happiness. Black*Star arrived not that long after and he looked like he had a face of shock and a little bit of disappointment. But what surprised me the most about Black*Star was what he did after he arrived. He picked me up and spun me around saying, “I’m so proud of you Lone*Star! I thought I was going to beat you but you really improved in speed. You will most definitely become a ninja! Probably before I become a god!”

Tsubaki caught up to us and we all went inside. Black*Star decided to give me a tour of the house while Tsubaki decided that she would wash up and go to bed. We first started with the living room and kitchen, then he took me to see his equipment, first in the living room then in his room. Since I won the race, I am able to tell Black*Star what to do for the rest of the night.  First he moved the weights to create a big enough space for the blow up mattress that he found hidden away in the black hole called his closet. Seriously, he should clean more often and be a little more organized. I told Black*Star to blow up the air mattress as much as he can until he starts to turn blue in the face. I have to admit, he did look really funny trying to blow up the mattress but after a while he did look like he was going to pass out. I let him use the electronic air blower to blow up the mattress, but he had to get it all ready himself. I really did not want to help out, besides I won the bet and he has to do everything I tell him to. I then told him to carry me around the house like I was royalty. Hey a girl can pretend to be royal once in a while. Although Black*Star was not happy about carrying me, he looked like he was having fun scaring me into thinking that he was going to drop me multiple times. I got tired of his jokes and told him to put me down on the couch and turn the tv on. Tsubaki joined us and we sat in a comfortable silence.

“Hey, Lone*Star” Black*Star starting a conversation.

“Yeah? And I told you to call me (Y/N).”

“Why did you decide to visit me at a random time? I mean I love being with you and happy you’re here, but why did you visit all of a sudden?”

“Oh…um…well, you see…um…how should I put this…” ‘I honestly have no idea how to begin my explanation. Where should I even begin? A lot has happen in the four years Black*Star and I have been separated.’

“Okay, well I don’t want you to get mad at me or anything. So please just listen until I reach the end of the story.” I lowered my voice, loud enough for Black*Star and Tsubaki to hear me, but not at my usual volume. Black*Star surprisingly agreed to what I requested and looked at me with curious eyes.


Next Chapter will be your story and the real reason as to why you came to visit Black*Star
I just want to warn you that the story might be sad

I'm sorry but there will be references of bullying and hatred going towards Reader-chan
It was a small part in my dream but it will become helpful as we go further into the story
If you want I will post another chapter that briefly explains Reader-chan's story so that you don't have to read the stuff you went through
Comment if you want the shorter version of your story and I'll post it after your original story

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