#28, Point Of No Return

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Avalon turned around and waved for Neymar to follow her, but then she thought better of it and just clutched his wrist instead

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Avalon turned around and waved for Neymar to follow her, but then she thought better of it and just clutched his wrist instead. She was about to pull him along when a commanding voice broke through the sounds of the storm, making her freeze. "You're not going anywhere," it said.


Avalon's heart sank, stomach clenching. That's not good. She glanced over her shoulder, past Neymar, who was giving her a confused look but hadn't pulled out of her grasp nevertheless.

The bitch of a witch stood by the front door, a smug grin on her face. Her weight was on both of her feet, still in those goddamned red heels. Her arms hung comfortably by her sides, leaving her chest exposed to a full-frontal attack. A very confident stance – she still didn't think Avalon posed a real threat. Avalon scowled. Bitch, you think...

"Neymar," Nina went on, but her cold blue eyes were focused on Avalon and not the person she addressed. "Come here, love. You better not aggravate me any more than you already have, Avalon. Else I cannot guarantee the safety of your precious black-furred companion. Or anyone else's."

Perplexity written all over his face, Neymar turned toward Avalon. "What's she talking about?"

Avalon blinked, surprised. He's not following her orders? Her eyes landed on the band around his neck. The Tiger's Eye, maybe? Had it broken more than the aggression curse? "Neymar, listen to me," she said, pulling him toward her. Thrown off balance from her pull, he stumbled her way. The rain was still going strong, and the wind had shifted, blowing the heavy drops into the side of her face like tiny spikes. She barely registered it, her attention solely focused on the man in front of her. "We need to go. Now."

He frowned. "What are you talking about? What's going on here?"

"Neymar!" Nina's voice was commanding now, and Avalon felt an entirely different prickle against her skin. Magic. Nina was enforcing her words with magic now. Neymar's lack of response must piss her off more than she lets on... But not enough to follow them outside into the rain. Yet. For the moment, her vanity was a blessing. "Come. Here." All that was missing now was for her to point a finger to the ground beside her and wait for him to run to her, panting like a dog and humping her leg.

Avalon grabbed Neymar's wrists with both hands now. She bit her lip, heart pounding in her chest as she slowly took a step toward the fence, not daring to turn her back on the dangerous witch on the edge of casting a spell. Too late. By the looks of her arms and fingers clenching and the energy gathering in the palms of her hands, she already was. Nina's face didn't give anything away. She was still smiling that smug smile, tight as it had become.

"Love? Come to me."

But he stood still, rooted to the spot. Merely casting glances between the two women, clearly unsure what to do with the situation he was in. Avalon squeezed his wrists. "Neymar, please." Avalon urged when he didn't react. "I'll explain everything but you have to trust me now."

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