He frowns and looks at her like she’s nuts, “You’re a sick bitch.”

“You have no idea.” She says lowly before lightly moving the blade across Ricky’s neck. It’s hard enough to break skin but not enough to cause any real damage like she’d like to do. She smells ammonia in the air and feels disgust wrinkle her face. The disgusting creature just pissed himself.


“Come on Tom, get this bitch off me!” Ricky begs like the weakling he is.

“Let him go!” Tom, the blonde, demands but Rosemary just shakes her head.

“Make me.”

“Rose.” Levi croaks from behind them, “Come on, let’s just go.”

“Sorry, baby, but that is not happening this time. They didn’t learn their lesson from last time, did they?” She says with a taunting smile in Tom’s direction.

“W-What do you wants us to do?” Ricky asks in a strangled voice as the blade presses into his neck a bit more.

Rosemary cocks a hip regarding Tom shrewdly, “Depends on if your friend agrees to do what I want without argument.”

Tom’s face pinches in hate as he stares at her.

“Tom, man, come on.” Rick begs, “She’s going to kill me.”

Tom smirks, “No she won’t.”

Rosemary’s eyebrow quirks before she presses the knife harder against Ricky’s neck making him let out a yelp of pain as she feels blood absorb into the sleeve of her hoodie. Oh she loves this. The look of panic in Tom’s face he realizes how crazy she really is and the fear of knowing his only other friend could be hurt makes her feel that buzz of power she revels in.

“Okay! Okay! I’ll agree to whatever, okay?”

“Okay.” She shrugs removing the blade from Ricky’s neck and pushing him face down into the grass below. She nearly wants to stab him in the throat when she hears his sobs assault her ears.


“Dude, you okay?” Tom asks as he kneels beside his friend.

Ricky shakes his head still crying, “I really thought she’d do it, man.”

“And I would have and will if you ever touch Levi again. Understood?” Rosemary asks cleaning her blade clean on her already soiled sweatshirt sleeve. When they don’t answer Rosemary grits her teeth, “I said, Am. I. Understood?”

“Fuck, yes you goddamn psycho!” Tom bursts patting his friends back in awkward attempt at condolence.

Rosemary grins before tossing her now retracted knife into her pocket, “Good doing business with you boys.”

She’s about to call for Levi to come to her when she sees he’s no longer there. With snapping of her teeth and her inner monster begging for blood at his disrespect she grabs her bag from the place she dropped it and goes into town. She needs to release and since Levi isn’t going to give her any she decides to go into town. She needs new prey.


Later that night, now having the fresh blood of another victim on the curve of her hatchet blade Rosemary can now think with a bit more clarity. Tonight had been fun for her. She got to do a bit of torture this time since he didn’t live with anyone else. It was just him and her in his living room with him zip tied to the bars of his futon couch. He had been such a fighter and with the amount of aggression in her after Levi’s flight she needed a fighter.

She shivers as the sounds of the man’s screams as they echo in her memory.

He was a terrific screamer, she thinks with a pleased skip to her step.

Now the thought goes back to her main issue, Levi. She probably freaked him out when she threatened those too idiots but he’ll need to get over it. Still, he isn’t like her so she needs to be gentle and maybe manipulate a bit.

Thinking over the things she’ll say she smiles to herself.

Levi will forgive her, she’ll make sure of it.


So the 'sex' scene...was it uncomfortable? I hope not because I really wanted to show the control and domination she needs to have even in something as intimate as sex. They're will be more of this sort of thing too. Rosemary has a high sex drive and since she lacks inhabitions as well she won't hesitate to do with what she wants when she wants. It's how she is and Levi, being a teenage boy can easily be controlled that way.

So I guess what i'm saying is get over it because it's going to happen again.

How do you think Rosemary will get Levi to forgive her?


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