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Sunshine can kiss my ass. Also whoever decided school starts at 9:00 can kiss my ass. And lastly my irritating roommate can kiss my ass.

"Wakey, wakey!"

"Shut up Nate!" I yelled back.

"Time to get up!" My annoying roommate known as Nate screamed as he threw to curtains open further.

"The fucking sun you ass!" I screeched, quickly pulling the blankets up to cover my face.

Seriously, fucking Nate.

"Tsk, tsk, so vulgar..." Nate scoffed.

"What's new?" I asked rhetorically.

"Good point." He sighed. "This doesn't mean I'm letting you skip class so I can suffer alone."

The covers were yanked off of me quickly before a pair of sunglasses struck me between the eyes.

"Dude! What the fuck?!" I yelled at him, rubbing my face. "Get your skinny ass over here so I can kick it!"

"Nope!" He cheekily replied, dashing out of the room.

I bolted out of bed, finding motivation in the thought of wringing that asshole's neck. I grabbed a grey shirt, black sweatpants and a black sweater from my closet before slipping on my shoes, putting on my sunglasses and grabbing my wallet.

Nate was waiting by the door, smiling smugly as he twirled the dorm key around his fingers.

"Glad to see my plan worked." Nate said, smirking.

"Why you little-" I started.

"Save your insults for someone more deserving and hurry up!" Nate scolded.

"Fuck you." I mumbled.

"Sorry buddy, I don't swing that way!" Nate said cheerfully before rushing out the door.

Now then, I suppose I should explain a bit. My name's Jake, I'm twenty, in my first year of university and still single. Nate, is my asshole roommate, although I see him more like my mother because of his attitude.

"Hurry up slowpoke! In case you haven't noticed we haven't had breakfast yet and I still want us to have enough time before class to grab bagels!" Nate yelled, breaking me from my train of thought.

Oh yeah, Nate has an unhealthy obsession for bagels. All kinds of bagels.

"I'm not slow, just tired." I retorted.

"That's what they all say." He replied, crossing his arms. "Tell you what, first one to the cafe makes the other pay!"

"The fuck man?! You know I'm broke!" I yelled after the blur of orange, yes orange. His hair is dyed bright orange.

"Snooze you loose!" Nate yelled back as he disappeared into the crowd.

I growled as I chased after Nate through the streets, getting weird looks from the people around as I chased my roommate.

Once I finally got there I had my hands on my knees and was bent over, huffing and puffing. Nate's hand snaked into my pocket and pulled out my wallet waving it in front of my face.

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