Chapter 10 - Fruits and Fucks

Start from the beginning

When I walked into the apartment I heard water running. I hope Aunt May was okay because she was home from work really early.

"May? Are you okay?" I call out, I was incredibly curious, she shouldn't be home for another couple hours.

"Yes Baby Boy! Of course I am!" That sing song reply made me double back in confusion. Deadpool. I stormed into the kitchen to find Deadpool scrubbing his mask in the sink, the water running red as it spiralled down the drain making me madder by the minute.

"What the hell Wade!" I raised my voice to sound more intimidating as I faced him. "You killed him!"

"Unalive, actually. I unalived him." He corrected.

"Killed, unalived, murdered! It's all the same stuff!" I was so upset and mad my hands were shaking.

"Pete. This is what I do. This is my job" Wades voice was level compared to my quavering one.

I was so shocked I couldn't stand. I had always assumed that Wade was someone helping people, not hurting them.

"I help good people by hurting bad people, Pete.." Wade answered as if he had read my mind.

"There are other ways.." I didn't fully understand why I was surprised. Wade always smelt like he had just killed someone, his suit was often sticky with blood, reminding me about my bloody hand. I left sick to the stomach as I pushed Wade aide.

I yanked off my gloves scrubbing and scratching my hands with such force I was scared I would break something. Nothing seemed to work, I couldn't get the feeling of the man's blood off my hands. It was like a phantom limb, an extension of my hand.

I couldn't stand being around Wade, the man who must feel like this all the time. The man who must be covered in blood more frequently that he should be. The man who I can't get my fucking mind off.

I stormed into my bedroom, only for Wade to quietly follow behind me. I stood facing the wall staring into space as Wade stood silently staring holes into the back of my head. He reached out his arm and placed it on my shoulder. This infuriated me beyond control and I swung him around, pushing him flat against the wall.

"Woah! Slow dow-" Wade joked, but slapped his hand across his face to stop himself from carrying on.

I threw a punch at him, square in the chest. And another, and another, and another until I was shaking and tears were streaming down my cheeks, my legs threatening to give in under my weight. I gave in. I fell, crying at Wades feet.

The thing that made me so mad was that I understood, I didn't know his story but I knew bad people had hurt him tremendously in the past, just as bad people had hurt me, and my family, in the past. Wade just sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a tight hug.

Really tight.

"Wade.. I-I can't breath.." I wheeze as he loosens his hug, awkwardly apologising. I didn't mind, it was reassuring that he that he was a lot stronger than he looked and that he physically took my little outburst fine, I didn't want to hurt him, I really didn't. It would break my heart if I actually hurt him.

I leaned into his hug, which was still incredibly tight, just not strangulation tight, when the front door slammed closed. May. I launched up, shoved Wade into my closet and raced out to the kitchen to grab Wades bloody mask. May walked in as I was making sure there was no trace of blood left in the sink. I stuffed Wades mask down my pants and turned to hug her.

She looked me up and down, stopping just slightly at my pants and then racing to meet my eyes.

"I.. didn't know cleaning made you, er.." She stuttered and gestured awkwardly to my lower half, where I had stuffed wades mask down my pants. "You should.. probably change out of the whole.. Spiderman thing once you get home"

She was right. I couldn't afford anyone seeing me through the windows, and the fabric on the suit, though good for being Spiderman, wasn't good for Peter Parker.. much too tight down there.

"Yeah.. Yeah okay." I tried to cover myself as I awkwardly backed out and quickly made my way into my room, closing the door behind me.

"Guess who's coming out of the closet?" Wade smirked as he stuck his head out from behind the closet door. I threw his mask at him while trying to keep a straight face. "Oooh! Petey, It smells like you!"

"Why are you even here, Wade?" I suddenly remembered that he was here before even I showed up, making himself at home, washing his bloody mask in the sink.

Wade found no verbal response to my question. He just slowly walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me, planting a firm and reassuring kiss on my forehead.


Okay.. soooo I know i keep saying this but once again I have no idea about the actual quality of this chapter. So I hope it met your standards and you somewhat enjoyed it!

Please leave a comment/suggestion and vote because that helps me, and this book, out tremendously!

Also I can't believe this is already the 10th chapter of this fanfic! Woah!! That's like.. A lot of words!

Thank you so much for reading <3

Author, out.

(I really do need to stop doing that.. ^)

EDIT: Sorry there was something weird that happened to this chapter and it originally posted only half the chapter. Luckily I had saved a back up on google docs but now I'm not sure its posting correctly!..

P.S This chapter has been dedicated to @smol_emo_bean she's fuckin hilarious and I stole the whole go in for pretzels loose your virginity part in the Fruits and Fucks shop paragraph from one of her earlier comments. You can find the comment somewhere last chapter I believe, yes you will have to search cause we basically have full blown convos in the comments but its cool and I love it! So Yeah!! <3 So yeah, go give her some love if you haven't found and stalked her already cause she's super fucking amazing!!

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