~Chapter 1~

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     I run my delicate fingertips across the tree bark lightly, while a gust of wind blows loose strands of my unkempt black hair into my face. I sigh to myself and pull the hair behind my ear, reaching out to touch the leaves up high. I tug on the branches harshly to bringing them to my height, slowly tracing along each green leaf.

     "Gerard Aurther Way! Haven't I told you enough times to stop wearing that massive black hoodie out in the blazing sun!," my mom yells out from the porch of our house. I roll my eyes at her comment, and stick in my ear buds with loud music to drown out the rest of her shouting. Humming to the lyrics I lay down on the grass, watching the clouds pass by me. I reach into my pocket and bring out a bag of doritos, when suddenly a seagull comes flying past me sassily. I can just feel its sassy diva vibes rubbing on me, very appreciated. I tilt my head at the bird and smile, while it trots closer to me carefully. I throw it a chip, and it willingly picks up the piece of junk food and it fly's away gracefully. I nod to myself, this is why I love nature. But in return for the chip I feel a liquid drop on my head from the sky. Lifting up my hand I feel my hair, I look back and see white bird poop.

     "Fuck...," I mutter to myself. I get up and walk angrily over to my door, my mom gives me a glare which I ignore. I don't have time to deal with my mom, I walk right past her opening the door, to the laundry room. Opening up the washer I pull the hem of my hoodie up over myself showing part of my misfits T-shirt and throw it in the washer, I press the start button then scurry to the bathroom. I haven't took a shower for a week, thinking that I had no reason to keep clean considering my recent breakup with Brenden. I jog into the bathroom and lock the door, starting to run the water to burning hot water, stripping down my clothes I get into the shower trying to wash away the dirty feeling I have on my body from whenever Brenden touched me. Knowing he roamed his hands all over me, just to later cheat on me with a cheerleader breaks me apart inside.

     Time passed by as I let the hot water rain down on my now pink frailed skin, when I suddenly heard loud banging and pounding on the locked bathroom door. "What is taking you so long! You're using up all of the hot water," Mikey shouts stilling banging on the door. I coward in fear and take a step back against the shower wall, then quickly wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. When I'm done I notice the pounding stopped which gives me a wave of relief, as I step out of the shower I turn off the water and wrap myself loosely in a towel. I sigh as water drips from my hair onto the tiled floor, knowing that my mom will make me clean it up. I take a washcloth and wipe off the fogged up mirror, I lean closer to the mirror and re-apply my smudged eyeliner. Noticing my tangled hair I reach down to the counter but nothing enters my hand, I look down to nothing and remember my mom took away my comb because she thought I could cut myself with it, even though I've never cut myself in my entire life. Cursing under my breath, I use my fingers to comb the knots tied together at the ends of my hair. I grit and clench my teeth at the unbearable pain in my scalp when I pull too hard at my hair. When I'm done I take a deep breath in and open the door, to see angry eyes of my brother Mikey.

     "I really want to beat you up right now for taking so damn long, but mom wants to talk to you," Mikey whispers devilishly. I glare at him with a smirk.

     "Okay, love you too," I reply sarcastically as he pouts and crosses his arms. I walk towards the living room where my mom is slouching on the couch watching TV, I sit down next to her and nudge her arm to get her attention. Her head turns to me and she smiles, I give her a slight side smile. "Mikey told me you needed to tell me something?," I question.

     "Ah yes, we are taking the whole family on a family trip! Want to guess?," she says with a chuckle behind her voice. I laugh and nod, I loved it when she was all happy and excited, it made me feel better.

     "Uhmm, is it Disney land?," I ask. She shakes her head, and I think some more. "How about Mall of America?," I ask again. She looks like she is about to burst, but shakes her head. "Then what is it," I say dragging out is.

     "Eeek! Its a summer cabin!," she exclaims with her eyes lit up. My mouth drops open, I open my arms and I hug her as tightly as I can. She knew I loved nature, a cabin has lakes, acres of woods, and gorgeous oak trees included. I held back tears of joy, but unfortunately one tear slipped out, I used the back of my fleece sweater sleeve to wipe it off.

     "Th-Thank you so much, M-Mom I love y-y-you," I whispered gently in her ear. She gave me a soft smile and nodded, I gave her a confused look.

     "We are going tomorrow and its for a month, so get to packing bud," she said and gave me a pat on the back. My face lit up, I ran to my room and started packing right away.
Guys I'm so excited to write this one! I actually have pretty much a plot planned out, but who knows I might change something. Please comment your feedback, and please support!

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