"Where are you going." Kion followed her as she grabbed her clothes out of the closet.

"I've been nice to both you and Heath." Kelly snatched her clothes off of hangers.

"What's the problem?" Kion sighed rubbing his face.

"I will kill him to have you." Kelly growled out.

"Touch him and I will disfigure you." Kion snarled baring his fangs and he penned Kelly to the wall.

"...see.. I'm your chosen to be soul mate." Kelly was at the verge of tears.

"I..." Kion mentally shook his head and let Kelly down. "... Sorry."

"Exactly what I mean. I'm going to my mother's, until you can do whatever it is you have to do." Kelly grabbed her bag and left.

Outside a Mansion.

Pete and Zak got out of the car starstruck.

"Oh. My. God." Zak was mesmerized at the sight in front of them.

"Heath, what happened?" Pete asked in awe.

"OK the reason you guys were on tour with me for those looooonngg months was because I was planning this." Heath smiled excitedly at his cousins.

"But this... This should have atleast taking a year." Pete was still surprised.

"Oh, Bruce got vampire and werewolf builders, and they work a lot faster than humans." Heath stated like a Realtor.

"So is it layered out like the old manor?" Zak said.

"Go inside and see." Heath said with a hint of nervousness.

The three of them walked into the new Manor mansion. They were hit with the sight of Allen chasing X and Miles.

"Papa!!" Miles and X yelled and ran to Pete and Zak repsectedly. Zak and Pete picked up their sons but were still awestruck at the house interior. The windows were huge and the walls were very high.

Pete walked while holding Miles and rubbed the enormous curtains over the windows. Zak looked at the ceiling and noticed that it looked off.

"Oh, Allen hit the button." Heath smiled. Allen mashed a button on the wall and the ceiling slid open.

"To help Zak elevate his power." Allen smiled.

"Let me guess, that was your idea." Miles kissed Allen's shoulder.

"Yes, Heath and I though the manor was dry. So we decided to change and add to it. Because Miles is getting older and I want more children to be running around." Allen winked causing Pete to blush.

"OK, I'm going to put these groceries in the kitchen." Pete said handing Miles over to Allen. About 10 seconds later they hear a shriek.

"What is it?" They all rush in.

"This kitchen is my dream kitchen." Pete grinned at Allen. Allen fakes a sheepish look.

"Did little Ole me do that?" Allen smirked. Pete started chasing him, Allen put Miles down and sprinted away.

"Well we know what these two are going to be doing for the rest of the day." Zak smirked. "Boys do you want to go to the castle for tonight."

"Yeah, and can Kelvin come Papa please." X jumped up and down.

"If Max says so, Zay." Zak grabbed the boys hand as he went to his car.

At Heath's


Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 3)(boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें