Next, the cellist and pianist joined me on stage and we swept into a slow version of You Are My Sunshine, which melted into my original song My One And Only.

I had originally hoped to show Maddy a video of my performance later, but because of James, she had a backstage pass. I made sure the audience knew that the song was dedicated to my daughter, and that earned me a refrain of approval.

My last number alone was one I'd written for my dad. The song was called Rolling Stone. It was a letter I'd written the year he passed away that I painstakingly reworked into a song. As the chords progressed and my whole body got into the music, I could see some parents wiping away tears and hugging their children. The sight made me choke up in turn, but I pushed through the love letter to my dad knowing he would be proud of me.

All those nights he'd played guitar while I sang along to his beloved rock 'n roll songs came flooding back. I could picture our improved concerts for my delighted mom, and the happiness that used to threaten to tear me apart when I dared remember him.

When I came up from my bow, I could see the audiences' happy applause through my tears. My five minutes of fame was almost over, and I'd be able to say that I truly enjoyed performing on the big stage.

"Wasn't she beautiful?" Miles voiced boomed over the speakers.

The crowd erupted into mayhem once again as the members of Ninja Bear ran onto the stage. Behind us was a flurry of activity while roadies feverishly placed instruments and set pieces.

Miles slammed into my side and threw a casual arm around my shoulders to smile out at the masses. Micah, Colton, Connor, and Jamie followed, linking arms to wave for their fans. We were enveloped in a thick cloud of rippling noise and twinkling camera flashes flickered like summer stars.

"We couldn't let her leave the stage without sharing a ditty!" Micah told the audience. He tossed me a beaming smile and mouthed Great job, which made me blush.

Accidentally, my eyes fell on Connor's in the line and I froze. The enraptured expression in his watery grey eyes sent a happy shiver through me, and I gave him a timid smile.

"What do you think, love?" Miles asked, pulling me away from Connor. "Will you join us for one last song?"

I responded mimicking his accent. "Let's do it!"

Connor broke off from the group and took up a position at the piano and we went right into God Only Knows. The boys sounded like melodious bards harmonizing along to my upper register.

Miles tried to mime the words and got down on one knee to warble at my feet. The front row of bodies in the audience rushed at the stage, trying to get a better view of us while I waved him off like it was no big deal.

Thankfully, Colton, Jamie, and Micah came to my rescue and got down on their knees in succession. The girls screamed frantically and I simulated my shock at the boy's dedications.

Then, just to give Lindsey a little more material, I left the boys behind to sit next to Connor at the piano. Micah, Jamie, and Colton artfully dropped their volume to give Connor and me a pseudo-duet, but Miles refused to play along. He sat on the other side of Connor to compete with our voices. It was a little awkward, but apparently cute as hell as the audience fell to pieces in fits of glee.

With our compilation complete, we took one final bow and I made a speedy exit off stage. Lindsey was waiting for me along with James and I was ferried into a black car.

"Well done," Lindsey commented dryly as soon as we were secure inside.

"Thanks?" I asked, raising a brow at her dour compliment.

Summer of Stars 🌟 [complete - Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now