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5 years later

Trix's POV

It's 7 years since i moved here. I created a life for myself and built a future. Ironically i went to law school. Now i'm almost successful lawyer. Fun.

My friends are so different from the friends i had before, i don't even know if it's a good thing. They are  fake snobs, which kind of annoys the hell out of me. They're kind of like 'omg, i haven't hugged you today.' Like seriously, what the hell is that. Maybe this is how ordinary people communicate. I'm from the streets afterall.

It might seem that 7 years has passed and i'm near decent now, but it just doesn't feel right. I don't feel like i belong here. I need to watch my language and always wear a smile, because if i didn't, i would be the next week's gossip. I could ignore it, but it would cause unnecessary tension in my workplace. People want a decent lawyer, so my reputation must be in check. I love my job, it's my calling and there is no way i would ruin it with my poor behaviour.

I have gained back most of my memory, there are still a few gaps but i remember enough to get a clear picture. I had been a mess back then.

It safe to say that i have discovered myself. I want to help people, who are misunderstood in front of law. Well, maybe this is also because i'm a former criminal. Luckily nobody knows about my past, it's actually quite surprising, because it was supposed to be written down in my records, but when my employer checked before hiring me, there was nothing suspicious. Strange.

I managed to hold my location as a secret, thanks to my employer. He's a nice guy, all i had to do was tell him that i have freakishly good stalker and that i needed help to keep my name as quiet as possible. It wouldn't have been that easy when i would have been closer to home. Home. It's odd that i have lived here for 7 years and i don't consider this place even close to home.
My phone rings in the back pocket. I secure my papers under my armpit and try to steady the hot coffee in my hand. I'm already running late, my legs are shaky on the heels as i speedwalk towards the court, my hands are filled with ragged papers and a steaming coffee cup, so this phone call is the last thing i need.

I somehow manage to reach the phone and answer it. I press the phone between my ear and shoulder.

"Yeah?" I ask hurriedly.

"Trix, is that you?" Responds familiar voice. It takes me a second to connect the voice with a name. I stop immediately and give this call my full attention.

"Parker! We haven't talked for what, two years? I would love to chat and catch up but i'm kind of busy."

"Don't hang up! I called you for a reason. I promised that i keep an eye on your family." He mutters the next part, which i'm sure i am not supposed to hear: "Not that i would be busy with mine already."

"My family? What happened!" I internally panic, different scenarios run through my head. I shouldn't have left.

"Calm down, it's nothing that serious." He turns quiet for a second: "Actually it is a little serious, well maybe more than a little."

"Speak!" I command.

"Carol got arrested. She's in prison now, waiting for her trial. Her charges are quite bad and she could get a lifetime." Parker explains. I bite my lip as i try to process this.


"Oh right, her baseball bat was found next to a dead body. Her fingerprints are all over it, she doesn't have an alibi and she was seen at the neighbourhood just before the murder. She's guilty, so i don't know if she can be saved from this mess. Only if i knew a great lawyer, who would care enough to try!" Parker says the last part in extra dramatical, mocking way.

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