"Ok I was attacked by a anti-cupid" Mark sighed.

"Who is your mate?" Pete asked.

"Uh I think his name is Jeremy Silver." Mark said.

The cousins jaws dropped and they looked at eachother.

"Jeremy!!" Heath yelled. Jeremy orbes into the room.

"What is it." He panicked the frozed when he saw Mark.

Mark slowly stood up and stumbled to Jeremy

"Jeremy..." Mark tripped, Jeremy rushed to him.

"Jeremy, heal him." Heath rushed helping Mark up.

Ronnie and Neal walked in through the door smiling.

"... a cupid." Neal gasped.

"Yeah, no time... Mark we need you to lead us to the demons that did this." Zak said. Mark just nodded and stared at Jeremy.

A Lair

Many people were walking around. Monitors were set up watching the real world to scope out cupids.

Jeremy teleported in with Zak and Heath, Pete stayed back to watch over Mark. The three creept around the corner and saw a lot.

"It's at least 50 of the Anti-Cupids." Heath said.

"We are probably going to need a power of three spell." Zak sighed.

"Ok let's go." Heath said, but they heard a throat clear behind them. "Welp, boys look like they've caught us."

The three turned around and 20 Anti-Cupids were facing them.

"Chain lightning, GO!" Zak yelled. Heath ran to the side of the Anti's, Zak charged lighting at him, Heath curved his palm and telekensis shot the lightning onto the Anti's causing it to bounce onto the others in chain link.

"Orb now Jeremy." Heath and Zak ran to Jeremy, who orbed them out before the other Anti-Cupids came.

At The Manor.

Jeremy, Zak, and Heath came in.

"So...?" Pete asked.

"We just pissed them off." Zak said going to the book.

*Ding Dong*

"Who is at the door at 8 at night." Pete said as Allen went to answer.

"Hello, Tremaine." Allen shook hands with him.

"Oh Tremaine, I thought you were coming tommorow." Heath smiled.

"I was thinking we could fly out to LA, go on a date then call it a night and just go to the the show in the morning." Tremaine smiled hopefully.

Heath looked guilty then looked back at his cousins.

"You can go, but be back for the day after tommorow because you're still babysitting." Zak said. "..And be careful with my cousin" Zak glared at Tremaine.

"I promise." Tremaine said, Heath ran upstairs to pack a bag.

2 Hours Later.

Zak and Pete were planning their attack. Bruce and Allen were screaming at the flat screen in the living room as the New Orleans' Saints went against the Patriots.

Mark and Jeremy were cuddled on the couch.

Jeremy was smiling and adoring Mark as Mark caressed his hair.

"I know we just meet but I love you with all my heart." Mark confessed. "I have the powers to give these feelings but I never felt these feelings."

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 3)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now