Chapter 9: With a guest list like this, who needs enemies?

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Edward stared unblinkingly at the collage of pictures, menus, seating plans and invitations tacked to his living room wall as he willed himself not to puke. He hadn't slept in at least 2 days, he just hadn't seemed to find the time and now whatever time he had once had had officially ran out. No more waiting. Today was the day.

In a city so frequently torn apart by horror and tragedy, something as mundane yet happy as a wedding seemed almost alien. Not that there was anything 'normal' about this particular union. The marriage of Ed Nygma, a quiet former GCPD employee, to Oswald Cobblepot, the self proclaimed King of Gotham, was all that the cities gossips had been able to talk about for weeks. Gotham's own dark fairy tale. At the moment, however, Ed wasn't really feeling like a dashing fairy tale prince. He was too busy trying to deal with the headache that was threatening to split his skull in two. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, groaning. Would it be acceptable to postpone the ceremony due to sheer exhaustion? Ed didn't think Oswald would be very impressed if he did.

Just as Ed was fumbling with the kettle in an attempt to make a fresh cup of coffee there was a knock at the door. "Hi" cried Lee excitedly when he opened the door as Kristen waved at him cheerfully. "We thought you could use some help getting ready for your big day" said Kristen. Then she and Lee both sighed sympathetically at the look on Edward's face before letting themselves in and shutting the door. "Coffee?" Ed managed to ask after a pause as he went to attend to his own half finished brew. 

"Here, let me."

Lee steered Ed into a chair whilst Kristen dumped the coffee and fetched him a glass of water. "You've been busy" Lee muttered, looking over the current décor of Ed's living room walls with a raised eyebrow  whilst Ed took a grateful sip of water. "Well there's just been so much to organise" he explained "I was worried I was going to forget something. This helps me keep track." Kristen nodded understandingly as she glanced over the expanse of Ed's mind map. "Listen, all you've got to worry about now is getting ready. It's nearly time and you're not even dressed yet" she pointed out good naturedly "You don't want to keep Penguin waiting at the alter, do you?" Edward ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. When it became clear that he wasn't going to move Lee shook her head in exasperation before practically heaving him to his feet and pushing him roughly in the direction of the bathroom. "Come on" she said encouragingly "I'll make some breakfast whilst you get in the shower."

In all honesty, breakfast was the last thing Ed wanted to think about right now but he was too touched by his friends attempts to help to say anything. Instead he just did as he was told, letting the warm water practically drown him as the butterflies in his stomach worked up a hurricane. Whilst he had kept himself focussed on the organising side of things he had felt relatively calm and in control. Now a strong sense of panic seemed to have his insides in a vice like grip, twisting them mercilessly as blind terror washed over him.  It was with trembling hands that, after a 5 minute 'wrestling match' with the uncooperative strip of fabric, he managed to tie his tie a short while later, after which he turned to glare murderously at his reflection in the mirror. The last thing he needed today was for his 'other self' to start causing problems which considering his current emotional state was quite likely. His reflection, however, remained silent, simply staring back at him and looking just as scared as he felt. Taking a deep breath and feeling slightly better than he had done before, Ed placed his hat on top of his head before heading back into the kitchen.

"I wasn't sure what you wanted so I made toast. I though it would be best to play it safe."

Edward cleared his throat and his two friends turned to look at him. Lee felt her mouth fall open as she took it all in whilst Kristen faked a small coughing fit over her drink to disguise the giggles that threatened to escape from her lips. Ed stood in front of them, resplendent in a glittering green 2 piece suit and sparkly black bowler hat, leaning jauntily against a gold cane topped with a question mark. Lee wasn't sure whether she wanted to laugh or cry at this garish ensemble but she couldn't deny that it suited him.  Edward chuckled delightedly at his friends reactions, their looks of shock and surprise giving him a boost of confidence. "What do you think?" he asked, turning this way and that to give them a better view. "I'm speechless" Lee supplied finally and Kristen nodded in agreement. "Excellent" Ed beamed "Hopefully Oswald will be equally blown away." "I'm sure he will" Kristen assured him before drawing his attention to his food. As Ed picked at his toast the two women shook their heads fondly at the sight of the adorable fashion disaster sat in front of them. Goodness knows what his husband-to-be was going to think.

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