Chapter 7: I don't mean to be a bother but there is a rose petal in my soup.

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Oswald ran his fingers through his hair and took a sip of wine. It was 3AM and he was sat at on the sofa, staring at the wall, unable to sleep. It wasn't the first night that he had found himself unable to drop off, in truth he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep since his mother had been taken. Understandable really, accept that now it wasn't worrying about his mother that kept him awake until the early hours. After all, she was now back at home safe and sound. No, as his mother's light snores drifted through the walls from the room next door, all Oswald could think about was Edward.

Oswald doubted he'd ever find a way to convey to Ed just how much he now trusted him, how grateful he was for everything that the man had done for him. The night that his mother had been saved he remembered looking up into Edward's eyes and  realising just how hopelessly in love with him he really was. He cared about him more than pretty much anything else in the world. Now, somehow, referring to Edward as simply his boyfriend suddenly seemed like a woeful injustice. It just didn't seem to indicate the enormous amount of affection Oswald held for him. It felt too small.

Penguin stared thoughtfully into the depths of his wine glass for a moment before downing its contents in one. Every night for the past few weeks now he'd been contemplating this same thing, always too afraid to admit to himself the idea that was lurking in the back of his mind. But how much longer could he deny his feelings? The answer, in fact, was not very long at all. Making a sudden, if not ill timed, decision, Oswald practically jumped off the sofa before going to knock gently on his mother's bedroom door.

"Mother?" he whispered quietly, poking his head tentatively around the door. Gertrud looked up sleepily, barely opening her eyes. "You have bad dream?" she mumbled. "No, it's not that" Oswald replied anxiously, already having second thoughts. "My poor little Kapelput" Gertrud sighed "can't sleep." She patted the mattress next to her and shuffled up, as best as she could at any rate which was quite a challenge in such a small rickety bed, so as to allow Oswald to join her, wrapping a blanket around him affectionately. "Tell me all about it" she told him kindly all though obviously struggling to stay awake.

Oswald squirmed uncomfortably before groaning in frustration. There was a moments silence. "You always said to me that we only ever get one true love" he said finally "and that when we find it, we should run to it." Gertrud nodded. Oswald bit his nervously before continuing. "Well, I was wondering whether you would give me your blessing to marry Ed?" he asked quietly. "He asked you?!" his mother cried, sitting bolt upright, all traces of tiredness vanishing instantly. "No, of course not" Oswald retorted, sitting up as well "I want to propose to him." Gertrud pulled her son into a suffocating hug as she planted frantic kisses on his forehead. "Of course you shall marry him" she said decisively as though Edward had already accepted "I'm so happy."

Oswald took hold of her wrists gently and prised her off him with difficulty before looking her in the eyes with a serious and pleading expression. "You have to promise that you wont tell him, mother" he begged "I want to ask him myself when the time is right. Please, don't say anything to him about it." "My lips are sealed" Gertrud replied with a proud smile. Oswald grinned back gratefully, his mind already racing, already imagining the moment when Edward would hopefully say yes.


"Is everything alright, Oswald?" Ed asked anxiously, looking across the table at his boyfriend who had dark circles under his eyes. He could tell that Oswald hadn't been sleeping very well of late and there was obviously something preying upon his mind which, considering what they had all been through, wasn't surprising. Still, Edward couldn't help but worry. "I'm fine, Ed" Oswald assured him with a smile so bright it made his eyes shine like diamonds "but thank you for your concern. It does not go unappreciated." Ed nodded. "I'm glad to hear it" he replied, reaching across the table to grasp Oswald's hand gently. He could tell that Penguin was hiding something from him, that he wasn't being 100% honest with him. Ever since their fight over Gertrud's kidnapping, and in spite of Oswald's forgiveness, Oswald had become some what emotionally distant despite seeming as doting and attentive as ever on the outside. Edward just hoped that in time he would be able to reassure his boyfriend of his devotion to him, given time.

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