Chapter 4: Mob meetings should be done via Skype.

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Insane cackling issued from the TV as a clip of the nights events at the gala for the Gotham children's hospital was shown on an emergency news broadcast. In an unexpected turn of events Jerome, the 'leader' of the insufferable Maniax, had just been killed on live television by a mysterious billionaire going by the name of Theo Galavan. 

"See, someone like that has no interest in building things" Oswald said disapprovingly, taking a sip of wine "He's not a part of tradition. It's chaos for chaos sake." Edward, who was perched on the edge of the table, nodded thoughtfully. Jerome's style was certainly a far cry from Oswald's professional and organised approach to crime. Still, despite the personal losses Ed had sustained at Jerome's hand, he couldn't help but admire the boys charisma and sense of drama. Noticing his boyfriend's preoccupied gaze Oswald added tetchily "Perhaps I could use a new laugh." "No, it wouldn't suit you" Ed replied with an amused smile, coming back to earth "You have to admit though, he knew how to put on a show." Penguin nodded grudgingly. "The same cannot be said for his performance partner" Oswald said, looking pointedly at the TV as a close up of Theo Galavan graced the screen. He and Edward shared a knowing smirk.

The rest of Gotham may have been fooled by the terrible acting and shoddy speech but they had seen straight through it. The past few days all anyone had been doing was searching for the person responsible for the Arkham break out and there he was. Hidden in plain sight, just as almost all the deadliest people in Gotham had been at some point in their careers. "I take it you'd like me to search for stuff on him whilst I'm at work tomorrow? See if I can dig up anything about him and find out what he's after?" Ed asked, already knowing the answer. "If you wouldn't mind" Oswald replied cheerfully "I've found that if you want to a destroy a man it helps to know what motivates him. Any background information you can get hold of would be greatly appreciated."

There was a pause then Oswald asked with a  sinister smile "Do you want to kill him or shall I?" After all, for him it was just business but since the incident at the GCPD this had become a personal matter for Edward and Penguin felt it was only fair that Ed got an opportunity for vengeance. "I don't see why we can't share" Ed replied, grinning darkly "although I appreciate the gesture." There was tender look in Oswald's eyes as they simultaneously lent forwards to close the gap between them and steal a quick embrace but they were interrupted by Butch clearing his throat pointedly. He pointed to the man who had just entered the room and Oswald reluctantly motioned for their visitor to speak, annoyed at the interruption. "Harvey Bullock is here" the henchman said urgently as the sound of approaching footsteps got louder every second.

Leaping up in alarm Ed dashed across the room hid himself in the shadows behind a curtain just as detective Bullock made his entrance. Ed felt sure that being discovered in the business meeting place of the King of Gotham wouldn't do him any favours at work and he doubted Bullock would believe him if he said it was just a social visit. The man had always annoyingly suspicious of him. As it was, however, he had managed to escape the cops attention so now had the perfect opportunity to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Wow, dude " Bullock cried, clapping his hands slowly and sarcastically "Colour me impressed. You know, if I close my eyes I can still see you holding Fish's umbrella. 'Yes, Miss Mooney. No, Miss Mooney. Whatever you say, Miss Mooney. That wig looks great on you, Miss Mooney.' Seriously, the worm has turned." Penguin shrugged. "Detective Bullock, I heard you re-joined the force" he replied with feigned joy "I'm so happy. But aren't you missing all the excitement?" "Yeah, I got word to late" Bullock said casually "Besides, I want to talk to you." "Of course" Penguin acknowledged amiably "Always happy to help."

"See, there's talk on the street that Jim Gordon did a favour for you. Collected a debt and the guy ended up dead."

Oswald chuckled. "Rumours" he scoffed. "Rumours" Bullock echoed. Penguin's laughter died down and he fixed the cop with a confident and slightly threatening. "Then again, where there is smoke..." Penguin added "Jim shouldn't worry about that. He and I are good friends." Bullock frowned and it was clear from his tone of voice that he was in a foul mood. See, that's the problem, Oswald. I think he is worried" Bullock replied coldly.

In plain sight (Sequel to Unappreciated by all except you.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon