You'd Think You'd Understand.. (A Princeton Story)

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Ever been bullied?

Well, who hasn’t?

Most people expect when I'm talking about bullies, I mean some girl harassing me daily, calling me a hoe, or slut, or putting all my secrets on blast…

It’s not like that for me..

My bully’s actually a boy..

You know why he bullies me?

Cause I’ve seen him bullied and tried to help him and he didn’t want he help.

Do you know what it’s like to be pressed against the lockers on a daily basis, having your money taken, being spat in your face?

He doesn’t hit me, with his hands at least..

And his friends just stand there and laugh, or protect him.. Which I find is pathetic.

Being bullied has processed a couple thoughts in my head that I really want to get rid of,

But it’s reached the point where I can’t take it anymore, and anything sharp’s become my best friend.

But what happens when the tables turn once again and I’m the only one around to help my bully at one of his worst times of need?

Will he finally leave me alone?

Or will I end up falling for him?



You'd Think You'd Understand.. (A Princeton Story)Where stories live. Discover now