3 • new message !

62 6 12

[2:21 pm] YOU:
hey i'm really sorry about the other day. i was drunk

[2:23 pm] MINYOONH:
it's fine

[2:24 pm] YOU:
but i did mean the first part

[2:24 pm] YOU:
the i'm sorry for kneeing you in the balls and making our team lose part

[2:25 pm] MINYOONH:

[2:26 pm] YOU:
i'm jang jaehee by the way. i'm in your bio class

[2:27 pm] MINYOONH:
i know who you are

[2:28 pm] MINYOONH:
didn't know you were the mascot though

[2:28 pm] YOU:
oh well now i guess you definitely know

[2:29 pm] MINYOONH:

[2:30 pm] YOU:
are your balls like...ok

[2:31 pm] MINYOONH: 

[2:33 pm] YOU:
well i'll see you in bio, glad your balls are ok 

[2:40 pm] MINYOONH:
oh and jaehee



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