Chapter 4: More

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*Rose's POV*

I've been on edge ever since Violet scared me last week. Ever since then, she's tried to make plans with us every day. I didn't mind her company, but she seemed stressed out. The more we hung out, the more anxious she'd get. I wanted to help her out, but she wouldn't tell me anything. The most she's told me was that she was having family problems. It's currently 2 in the morning and I'm trying to go to sleep. My anxiety was high and I was aware of every little thing. I tried to drown it out with music, but it didn't help.

"Calm down Rose, you're just overreacting," I mumble to myself. I get up and walk to my kitchen to get a glass of water. My hands were shaking so hard I could barely hold my cup. I heard a noise behind me and spun around. There was nothing there to be scared of.

"You're just tired, Rose." I remind myself before taking one last sip of my water and trekking upstairs to my room. My tired mind barely registered the shadow casting into my room. I fell onto my bed and closed my eyes, breathing in slowly to calm my racing heart. It felt like forever until I finally fell asleep.

"Rose, wake up." I wake up to someone whispering in my ear. At first, I thought I didn't hear it because I was still tired and groggy. A few minutes go by and I start to fall back to sleep but I hear something else.

"Kitten, wake up." My eyes fly open to see an empty room but my window wide open. My heart was pounding in my chest as I sit up. I shake my head, standing up, and walking to my door before stopping and turning around to look at the window. The wind blew on the curtains, causing them to blow around lightly. I walk over to my window, shut it, and lock it, making sure there was no one outside. I walk out of my room and down the steps to the living room where I see someone sitting on the couch with Naomi.

"So glad you're awake. We thought we were going to miss you." Josh laughs and I chuckle nervously. Violet turns around and smiles at me. I barely smile back before walking into my kitchen. I was beyond tired and I needed coffee to keep me awake. I made myself a cup and walked back to the living room where I sat down and took a sip of my coffee.

"We were just telling Naomi that we're going to be gone for a while to help support Violet's mom who's in the hospital. We just told her that we have a few people who will be animal sitting for us." I take another sip of my hot drink and nod along to what they were saying. They continued talking and I would nod here and there to let them know I'm still listening.

"Yeah, anyway, we have to get going. We'll see you in a week or so. The pet sitters will be coming over in about an hour and we want to finish packing." Violet speaks up and I tiredly smile at them. We exchange hugs before they leave and I watch as they walk out the door, waving behind them.

"They've been hanging around us more and more. Not that I'm complaining because they're a great company to be around, but I was starting to get tired of Violet showing up every single day for the past week. It was like she was becoming desperate or something." I giggle at what Naomi had said the moment the door closed. I nod in agreement, taking one last sip of my coffee before setting it down on the table.

"I was thinking that too Niy. By the way, where are the kids? They're usually up and running around by now." I look at Naomi with my green eyes, cocking my head to the side. She just laughs at me and waves me off.

"They're at school remember? They didn't want to wake up at all this morning." Naomi laughs and I giggle. They had a four and a half day weekend for Thanksgiving. Sadly, we couldn't do anything really big for Thanksgiving, so we just had turkey, mashed potatoes, ham, dinner rolls, corn, cornbread and pumpkin pie for dessert. Most of the food was on sale since it was so close to the holiday. The turkey and ham were probably the most expensive items we've had in a while. Most of the food we ate I had cooked with a twist that surprisingly the kids liked.

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