Chapter 7.

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Sorry that I didn't update sooner. I needed to max my brain for Ideas. finally got one. Even if it's not one of my best. Enjoy!

Ganz P.O.V
I knocked on the door. "Come in!" Sensy called. I opened the door and stepped inside. Sensy was sitting on the couch next to the window. " I brought you something" I said. I pulled a small box that I wrapped earlier and handed it to him. "Can I open it now?" he asked enthusiasticly. I nodded. He ripped it apart and looked with sparkles in his eyes. "Ahhhhh Ganz!  How sweet!" he cried. He happily opened the box and pulled out a special Lucy Heartfillia( I don't know if that's how you spell it). " I knew you'd like it" I smiled. He placed it next to him and smiled. "You know what?  It's funny. This is the second time I ever had to go to the hospital since I got here." he said. I smiled but felt hurt inside. It was because of me that he got hurt. I walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged back.
I looked behind me as the hospital doors closed. It had been days since Sensy was admitted to the hospital. That bastard had done something to Sensy and he had lost sanity for a few hours. But thank Asgore he gained it again. I pulled out a small chocolate and nibbled on it. Chocolate helped me alot when I needed thinking.          "Hello there" a voice behind me said. I turned around. It was a girl. "Who are you?" I asked politely. " Oh don't worry! I'm Sugars sister. The names Fika. Your Ganz right? " the girl said. "Yes......" I whispered. I pulled myself up and shook her hand. "I am was just going to go meet Sensy! Sorry for wasting your time. Bye then!" Fika said. We waved goodbye. I stood there for a few more seconds looking at the sky. It always reminded me of Sensy.  I skipped down the pavement. I was so excited for next week. Sensy was being realesed in a few days. And I had a surprise for him. I smiled brightly. I continued to skip as I started to hum. I had to much happiness to contain.
                    *Later again*
I the threw open the door and hummed my way to the kitchen. "what the fudgepops got you in such a merry mood?" Swapfell asked. "What the Fu-!" I cried in surprise. Swapfell was in the kitchen making tacos. " How the hell did you get in my kitchen?!  More over, how did you get in my house?!" I cried. Swapfell stared at me for a second and then pointed at the window. "It's your fault. You left the window open." he responded. "Well, it's not my fault the sun is trying to burn us alive with heat!" I snapped back. I sighed knowing that I couldn't get any sense into Swapfell even if the world depended on it. I sat down on my favorite sofa and pulled my phone out. I logged onto my twitter to get blown in the face with tweets. They were all about the 'surprise'. I read them all. Some were heartfelt and other were just hilarious. Swapfell soon walked in with the tacos. "So, Swapfell, are you gonna ask him?" I asked. He blushed madly. "Come on~ I need an answer" I said. "Stop it dude. It's not like I'm alone on this boat!" He snapped. We started to argue. We continued as we munched on tacos. It was an hour before we stopped. "You know. I decided maybe I'd ask Sensy after he's released." I replied. " I have an idea. Let's make it a contest. Who ever asks them fist wins." Swapfell said. "I am intrigued. Continue" I replied in a posh voice. " Who ever wins get to pay for anything the winner wants. But only one item." he said. "Oh.  You scared I'd win?" I teased. "No!" he replied. " Doesn't seem like it" I said. "fine then! Anything below 500 dollars!" he screamed. "yes!" I cried. " Now get out" I said. I kicked him out and ran up to my room and slammed the door shut. I had to plan on how I'm gonna ask Sensy. I plopped myself on the bed and started to rack my brain.
Sensy P.O.V!
" come in!" I called again. Sugars sister,  Fika came in. "Oh Fika! I am so glad you came! What got you here?"I asked. "Oh you know! Just wanted to meet my brothers best friend!" She replied excitedly. "Did you talk to Sugar lately?" I asked again. " I did. but he seemed to be a bit off while we talked" Fika said. I sneered. " Did he not tell you what happened recently?" I asked. " What do you..mean?"  She asked confused. " Well......Sensy isn't exactly alone here anymore if you know what I mean~" I cooed. " HAAAHHHHHH?!" she cried. " Who is it!? I must question them!" I smiled. " The lucky guys closer than you think my friend~" I replied. " it..... MELON!?!?" She said finally realizing. I winked. "I'm sorry Sensy but I must protect my brother!" She said. I saw the light in her eyes and nodded. She ran out like she was a cheetah or something. I chuckled to myself. She was always the kind to act fast even if she was the kindest and sweetest girl I had ever met. I looked out the window and sighed. It was really boring in here when there was no one to talk to. I closed my eyes. Suddenly a picture of Mel popped into my head. I shook my head and stopped thinking about it. The doctors told me that my mind was still a bit sensitive from that injection Mel gave me. Anything I didn't like would cause my mind to send me back insanity. The sun was already setting when I lay my head on the comfortable pillow. As I closed my eyes I felt a bad presence next to me. I tried to open my eyes again but they refused. I fell asleep uneasy.

I hope you enjoyed! thank you for a 100 views guys! I am so happy. I'll make sure I update sooner. Bye!

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