Chapter 2.

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I am very bored and have nothing else to do. Not for the next week before school starts anyway.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯Welp. Enjoy!

Sensy P.O.V

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. My eyes were puffy from all the crying I did last night. But now, I'm filled with anger. How could he even do that to me?! I was so kind. And he should have at least told me in person. Not hide behind some stupid words! I snatched my toothbrush and roughly brushed my teeth. I was still angry as we ate breakfast. " Are you alright?" Melon asked in a worrying ringtone. "It's..... It's nothing for you guys to worry about it...." I replied. "We have too. We're your friends Sensy" Sugar said in a worrying tone. "I'm fine guys!" I snapped. They looked at me with hurt eyes. I then realized what I said. " I am so sorry guys. I didn't mean it like that. I was just mad about yesterday." I apologized. We sat there quietly eating our sandwiches. I checked the clock. it was 7:40 am. " Hey. Its almost 8. Lets go." I said. We all grabbed our bags and left.I noticed pathway was very empty. there was normally kids walking with us. It felt creepy walking by ourselves. When we finally arrived we were shocked. There was no kids there. We walked across the hallways, our footsteps echoing. We felt a creepy chill go up our spine. We walked into one of the classrooms to find all the students in the corner, quivering in fear. "W-Whats going on?" Sugar asked. "OH NO! WE DIDN'T LOCK THE DOOR?!" one of the kids screamed. Two kids from the front of the bundle ran up to us and pushed us aside. they then closed the door. "What's going on?!" Sugar asked. Its Jacob! He's gone mad!" One of the kids scream. " He shot someone!" another screamed. I stared in horror. I never knew he would do that. 'Was it because of me?' I thought to myself in a panic. " W-Who was s-shot?" I stammered. "I don't know. But he screamed that he's after Ganz next!" someone cried.  I gasped. All the anger vanished. I was horrified. 'Was it because of yesterday? Was it because he saved me?' I thought. ' No no, he said it was because he hated Jacob.' I thought again. I still was worried about him. After I had the deep conversation with myself, they escorted us to the corner. Melon was shaking in fear. Sugar leaned in and comforted him. I know it was a terrifying moment but couldn't help smiling at the cute scenario happening in front of me. But just a little.

Ganz P.O.V

I walked down the path as I got nearer to the school. I didn't notice the absence of all the kids.I was just thinking of a way to ask Sensy about the letter. I walked in. I also didn't hear the echoing of my footsteps and the emptiness of the halls. My mind was filled with the thoughts of Sensy. I only met him once but it felt like I've known him since forever. And it also felt like he stabbed in the back. Like he betrayed me. Even thought it was a letter. Suddenly, I heard footsteps in front of me. I looked up for the first time that day. It was Jacob. He looked like smoke was coming out of his ears. I felt my body tense. I realized no one was in the halls. Just us. I looked over at his hand and dread set in. He had a gun. I slowly took a step back. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!??!" He screamed. I stopped. He pointed his gun at me in a menacing way. "AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO ME. YOU DESERVE THIS!!!" He screamed again. Sweat dripped down my skull. He stepped closer and closer with a crazed look in his eyes. I tried to use my magic but I was too terrified. He laughed hysterically. " YOUR TIME HAS ENDED!" He cried.

Sensy P.O.V

I had a silent scream as I heard Jacob screaming. I knew he found Ganz. "AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO ME. YOU DESERVE THIS!!!" I heard him scream. Some of the kids whispered in fear. Tension was building up in the classroom. Then, we heard him scream, " YOUR TIME HAS ENDED!"
My eyes widened. I suddenly heard a small snap. I knew it was from the gun that Jacob had. He was preparing it. I didn't know how I knew but I didn't question it. My eye glowed a bright blue. Melon and Sugar stared at me in shock. This had never happened before. I heard a click as Jasob fired. I didn't know what I was doing. But, I closed my eyes and teleported.

Ganz P.O.V

I felt myself trembling. I wanted to move. To do something. But I couldn't I felt my life flashing before my eyes. And then, he shot. I closed my eyes. It felt like time slowed down. By the shot never came. I opened my eyes. I stared in horror. Sensy had teleported in front of me. And took the bullet. I caught him in my arms as he fell. "Why..... Why did you do that?" I asked. I started to cry. He hesitated for a second but replied," I don't really....know. I...just did it" he whispered. He widens his eye and coughed up some blood. "HELP!!!" I cried. I looked up and stared at Jacob. My mind filled with anger. My eye glowed brightly. I glared at him. I pointed at him and grabbed his soul. "Wha-!" he cried. I threw him at the wall. Again and again. My anger didn't stop. I suddenly felt a hand on my cheekbone. I looked down at Sensy. "please........ stop" he said slowly. "your loosing strength. Be quiet." I whispered. I held his arm. All the kids came running out. They stared at us. Then at Jacob. "Sensy!!" a skeleton screamed. He started crying too. He ran up to us and fell to his knees. "What... Happened?" he asked between sobs. " He blocked a bullet for me.." I replied. I was pure silence as we watched Sensy. He was still breathing, but he was loosing his HP. I knew it. Finally, after what felt like an eternity a teacher came. They whipped out their phone and dialed 911. I didn't hear what they were talking about though. I was still looking at Sensy. He was smiling. Just a little. I was still crying. So was the other skeleton. Another had joined and was comforting the first skeleton. We heard sirens wailing outside. Before the teachers or anyone could react, I lifted Sensy up and ran outside. The teacher called to me. But I didn't listen. I kicked the door open and ran outside. The ambulance was close but not near enough. I ran towards it as it got closer and closer. It finally arrived. The doctors ran outside and lifted Sensy and put him on a stretcher. "C-Can I come too?" I asked. "Sorry champ. Only family members can come" one of them replied. I watched as they drove away. I fell to my knees and cried more. I couldn't believe it. ' I was scared as hell when he was pointing the gun. But Sensy looked like he didn't even hesitate. But.... what about the letter?' I thought to myself. The two skeletons ran out and asked me where Sensy was. I told them that he was taken by the ambulance. I staggered up and looked at them. Then, one of the skeletons slapped me. I stared at them in shock. "WHY DID HE EVEN SAVE YOU AFTER YOU HURT HIM YESTERDAY LIKE THAT!?!?" He cried. "w-what do you mean?" I asked questionably. "HO DONT YOU GO LYING TO ME!! NOT WITH AFTER THAT LETTER!!! He cried again. "what letter?" I asked. "OH! YOU DONT REMEMBER DO YOU?" He said sarcastically. He pulled a paper out of his paper and threw it in my face. I grabbed it. I read it as my eyes widened. "I didn't write this. This not my hand writing." I replied. They stared at me in shock. "It has to be" the other said. I shook my head. "It-It has to be a prank." I said. My hands shook as I held the letter. We stood there in silence as the teachers finally arrived outside. I crumpled the paper and stuck it in my pocket. "We have no time to think of this. We have Sensy to worry about" I said. They nodded in agreement.

Nobodys P.O.V

School ended short that day. Everyone got to got home earlier. Ganz was still stunned as he arrived home and prayed for Sensys health even though he is not Christian.

I have no idea why I dropped a dramatic bomb in only the second chapter. I have no idea how my fingers did that while I was conscious.Hope everyone can tolerate my madness. goodbye!

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