Chapter 1.

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I hope everyone likes. Enjoy!
Sensy P.O.V
I stared out the window. The outside world zipped past as the car sped up. I looked over at my friends, Melon and Sugar. They were leaning on each other. I smiled. In our earlier school everyone knew that Melon and Sugar liked each other but didn't have the guts to tell the other. I closed my eyes thought about the new school we were about to go too. My mind wandered other places as I slipped out of consciousness and fell asleep.

* time skip brought to you by MTT branded shoes*

My eyes fluttered open as Melon shook me awake. "Wha-?" I mummbeled. " We're here. Wake up sleepy head!" Melon said. He shook me harder. "fine, fine." I said. I opened the door and stepped outside. The fresh air filled my nostrils (here we go bending biology) and stretched. It felt so good to be out of that stinky car. Melon and Sugar followed me outside and I helped them with the luggage. The car drove away, leaving us coughing from the dust. I grabbed my luggage and raced inside before the other two got a chance. "He-" Melon cried. But before he could finish I closed the door and ran to the biggest room. After Melon and Sugar got inside we had a huge argument which I won. We got settled in and got ready for school the next day. It was quite boring waiting for the day to end. Finally the sun set and we got into our sleeping bags. I closed eyes and fell asleep.
*The next day*

Ganz P.O.V
I walked into school and sighed as I heard the girls around me squeal. I reached my locker and opened my locker to get my science book but was instead greeted with swarm of love letters. I felt about a hundred people staring at me. I kindly picked them all up and walked over to the dumpster. And threw them away. I heard alot of girls cry. I hated hurting people but I also hated people annoying me. I walked back to my locker and grabbed my science book and closed it. One of my best friends, Swapfell walked over to me. " Hey bro. You staying after school for football?" he asked. I nodded my head and turned to leave. I stopped. There was someone near the entrance I had never seen before. He was being bullied. It was Jacob. The schools top bully. I ran up to him and punched him in the face. I had no idea why I did that. The kid who was being bullied stared at me. His gang just stared at me in shock too. Jacob staggered up and glared at me. " You are so dead..." he whispered. He lunged at me. I blocked him and we started to fight. Everyone made a circle around as and started to chant 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'
*One fight later*
I fell to my side as everyone scattered. A teacher was coming I knew it. I heard a voice behind me call to someone in panic. It sounded so soothing. I closed my eyes and lost consciousness.

Sensy P.O.V

I called out to a teacher in panic. Everyone scattered. The boy who was in the fight ran away. I dropped down on my knees and tried to wake him up. He had fainted. A teacher came running towards us and picked him up. I followed them. He did get hurt cause of me. They took the kid too the nurses office. They didn't let me in so I had to get to class. But before I left I snuck in and placed a letter next to him. I awkwardly knocked on the class door. They all stared at me for a few seconds and went back to the lesson. The teacher pointed towards an empty desk that no one was sitting next to. I awkwardly (I know, soo much awkwardness) shuffled my way and sat down. Some of the girls gave me dirty looks as I sat. We started the lesson. It was not that interesting but I paid attention.

Ganz P.O.V
I opened my eyes in a Daze. My body hurt alot. I looked around but no one was there. There was a letter on the desk next to me. I lifted my arm and winced from the pain. I got the letter in my hand though. I scaned the letter. It said,
Dear Ganz,
I got your name from the school nurse. I am very sorry you had to get hurt in my behalf. You are very brave. I would like to repay you so please meet me outside the school at 6:00. It's OK if you can't come. Leave a letter on the statue for me.
Sincerely Sensy

I blushed as I finished reading the letter. It felt more sincere than alot of the love letters that the girls gave me. I closed my eyes and remembered the skeleton that I helped earlier. I carefully stuck the letter in my pocket, not wanting my arm to hurt again. Thankfully, it didn't. The door opened and the school nurse stepped inside. "Oh! Your awake! Good!" she exclaimed. She checked my body temperature and my wounds. "Who did this to you?" she asked. "J-Jasob" I replied. She nodded and sent me away with lollipop. I couldn't believe they still gave those out. I walked over to my class and knocked on the door. The teacher signaled me to sit down. I looked over at my desk and was shocked. It was Sensy from earlier . He didn't see me but the girls were swooning again. I walked over to my seat as sat down. Sensy finally noticed me and looked at me shocked. I smiled. We continued the lesson until the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and was about to leave when I saw the girls ganging up on him.

Sensy P.O.V
I grabbed my books and was about to leave but the girls circled me. I tried to leave but the forced me back. "Stay away from him" one of them growled. I whimpered. " And leave that desk alone. Its ours!" the other said. I tried to reply but my fear took control. Then, Ganz walked over and pushed the girls away. They looked at him in shock. " I'd prefer you all leave. Now" he said. I don't know but it looked like his eye glowed. The girls backed off. He then did the most unthinkable thing. He placed his hand around my shoulders and guided me outside. I started to blush a little. I felt the girls staring though me. After we were out of sight of the girls he let go and smiled at me. I blushed slightly again. He did too. "T-Thanks..." I stammered. "Welcome" he replied. He scratched the back of his head and stared at me. And I stared at him. And he stared at me. And the staring went on forever! I finally spoke. " Well..... I got to go to class. See you after school." I smiled and ran off. I reached my locker and found my best friends there. We talked about how class was and the kids. I then mentioned about what happened with Ganz they totally flipped out. " Oh ma gohd dude! He's totally into you!" they both screamed in union. " what?! Noooo! I just arrived here. Besides I don't like him anyway." I whispered, blushing. "why you always lyin~?" they asked me. I blushed. I tried to tell them no but they didn't listen. The bell finally rang and we parted ways. I left to class and waited for the school to end.
*After school*

Ganz P.O.V
I walked to my locker and put my books away. Swapfell walked towards me and started to chat. "Hey, you coming for football right?" he asked.
I looked at him in shock. "Oh no!! I forgot! Remember that boy I saved from Jasob? He asked me to meet me after school!" I cried. I reached for the paper in my pocket but felt nothing. I looked in my other pocket but still not there. I panicked but remembered I didn't really need the letter cause I already know the details. I asked Swapfell when football starts. "6:15" he replied. I sighed in relief. I looked at my watch. It was 5:50. I gasped and ran after saying goodbye to Swapfell. When I finally reached the statue there was a letter there. I grabbed the letter and started to read it a bit confused.

Dear Ganz
I change my mind. I had heard many bad things about you. I think your a bad person. I would kindly ask you to leave after reading this letter. And please never talk to me again! I will also like you to stay out of my sight.
Sincerely Sensy

I felt tears forming in my eyes. No one had ever been this evil towards me. I had no idea what I did to him. I wiped away my now forming tears and I ran home.

Sensy P.O.V
I walked across the hall, talking to Melon, Sugar and a new friend we met in one of the classes. His name was Dream. We reached our lockers and continued to gossip. I opened the locker and a letter dropped down. I picked it up and opened it. It read,

Dear Sensy
I like you to kindly stay away from me. I did not mean to be kind to you. I just hate Jasob's guts. I threw away the letter you gave me earlier so don't bother talking again. I hope this letter has made it in his clear I hate you. Goodbye.

Sincerely Ganz

I gasped as I dropped the letter. Melon and Sugar. Looked at me worryingly and picked it up. They read over it and their eyes widened. "Oh Sensy!" they cried. They knew I had super sensitive feelings.They hugged me tightly. I felt tears flowing down my cheeks. Some people were staring but I didn't care. They helped me walk outside. I was still crying after we arrived home. 'I wasn't mean or anything to him. I didn't really no him either. I just wanted to know him better. He did help me. Or did he?' I thought to myself. I kept thinking to myself about what had happened until I fell asleep crying.

Sorry if it's bad. This is one of the first stories I have ever written. I hope everyone likes it. If you have any ideas tell me in the comments below! Bye!

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