Chapter 4.

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Enjoy everyone~

Sensy P.O.V

Me, Melon and Sugar walked down the pavement talking excitedly. I was finally released yesterday. We continued to chatter as we entered the school premisis and headed to our lockers. I noticed that Ganz was nowhere to be found. I blushed a little as I thought of him. "Oh Oh Oh~ why all the blushing?" Melon suddenly replied. I blushed more. "N-No I'm not.." I whispered. " yes you are~" Sugar taunted. We continued argue till the bell rang. I grabbed my books and ran for it before Melon and Sugar could taunt me along the way. I ran into the class and stopped. All the girls gave me dirty looks as I sat down in my seat. After a few minutes the bell rang again. The teacher came in and started the lesson. It was boring but not sleep worthy.
                    *After class*
The bell rang and I ran outside.  I didn't want to be caught by the girls again. Ganz wasn't there and that worried me. He promised me that he would be here. I ran through the halls. There were more kids than usual. I didn't tell anyone but I had agoraphobia. If you don't know it's a fear where people get when there in stuffy places. I felt my heart beat quickening. I was starting to hyperventilate. I suddenly bumped into someone. "I'm so-" I started to say. I looked up. It was Ganz.  My heart was still racing but in a different way. "You okay?" he asked. His voice soothed me. I didn't answer but I fell into his arms. He gasped a little in shock but wrapped his arms around me. It felt so warm. He slowly walked down the hall. Carrying me with him. He finally let go and we stared at each other. I looked up at him. "Thank you Ganz" I whispered. he was blushing. I realized what we had been doing and blushed like mad. "Um..... W-Welcome." He replied, scratching the back of his skull. We awkwardly stood there. Kids were running past us. " A......Sensy" he suddenly whispered. " what is it?" I asked. "Well..... I've been meaning to ask you this in a few days after you were realesed but I can't wait" he said. I gave him a questionable look. He started to blush. "Do.... Do you wanna go to the movies?" he asked. I blushed like mad. "I-Its okay i-if you c-can't" he stuttered. He looks cute when he gets flustered. "No. It fine really. It's just that it's so cheesy!" I replied. I giggled a little. He looked shocked but soon smiled. "What about tonight?" he asked. I nodded in agreement. We walked down the hall as people stared at us. We finally reached my locker and parted ways. I was still blushing when Melon and Sugar arrived. "Hey. What got you all dreamy?" Sugar asked. "Yeah. What he said" Melon said. "Ganz may or may have not asked me out....." I whispered. "WHAT?!?!" They squealed in surprise. All the kids in the hall stared at as. We laughed awkwardly and continued. They immediately started asking me questions which I had to answer. They grabbed me by the hand and raced outside. "What are you doing?!?" I cried. " Your our friend. We have to help you with your first date from here! We don't have time for school!" Sugar cried. I smiled. They were the best friends you could ever have. They dragged me all the way to Forever 21. "Okay. Let's go!" Sugar screamed. "oh boy...." Melon whispered. Sugar ran from place to place grabbing clothes from here and there. "Here!" he said. He threw clothing at me and pushed me into the changing room. "just put on some random clothing and show us!" Sugar called. "Why did you give me a dress?!?!" I cried. " We have to be open for everything don't we?" Sugar replied. I pulled it up and looked at it. It had a blue top with a jacket and a lighter blue bottom. It was knee length. I threw it to the side in embarrassment. I randomly grabbed some clothing and tried them on. Each time I showed something Sugar gave me a thumbs down. "how's this?" I asked tired.
(Not my drawing. I just edited it. I couldn't draw that well even if my life depended on itT_T)

"OMG!!! That is soooo good on you" Sugar squealed. I sighed in relief. So did Melon. It took us hours. School had already finished. We bought the clothes and headed home. This time in a taxi. We entered the house and went to our rooms.  I pulled my phone out and realised I had got some messages from Ganz. I didn't realize he had my number. 'Probably Melon or Sugar' I thought. I opened them up and read them.

Ganz: where did you go?

Ganz: if you don't mind could we meet up around 8? In the new movie theater down the road from the school.

Ganz:hope to see you there ^ω^

I looked at the time. It was 6:30. I hurried about. I was hungry and I needed to get ready. I ran back out and made a snack. I felt my body tingling all over. I was so excited. I finished my snack and changed into my new clothes. I kinda felt cute in it. I sent a message to Ganz.

Sensy: One my way! ♡

I grabbed my bag and left.

Ganz P.O.V
I looked at my phone was it beebed. I grabbed it and found a message. It said.

Sensy: One my way! ♡

I blushed. I grabbed my keys and left. I walked down the pavement heading for the movie theater.
                     *one walk later*
I waited outside for Sensy. I felt like I was a sweat train. This was the first date that I had ever gone on. "Hi Ganz!" someone said. I turned around. It was Sensy. I noticed the cute clothing he was wearing and blushed. He looked so cute. "Ready to go?" he asked. "y-yes" I stammered. We walked inside. There weren't many movies but enough. "There's Split, Hacksaw Ridge and Deadpool" I said. " I know that silly. Hmm.. What about Split?" Sensy replied. "Isn't that a horror? Can you handle it?" I asked. "I can dummy! I'm not a child!" he replied again pouting. I laughed a little. He looked so cute. We bought the tickets and some popcorn. We heard inside and sat down. The movie started.
         *inbetween half the movie*
A jumpscare appears on the screen. "Ahhhhh!" Sensy cried. I looked over at him. He was quivering. He grabbed my hand and tightened his grip. I blushed brightly. I stayed rigit throughout the entire movie as Sensy held on to my arm. By the time the movie ended I looked like a blueberry. "Phew. Glad that ended" he said. "Y-Yeah... " I whispered. We walked outside. " I have another surprise." I said. He looked at me in shock. He grabbed me by the hand. " well let's go!" he said cheerfully. I blushed a little again and lead him. I had booked this great restaurant and the food there was great. We entered the restaurant. We sat down and waited for the waiter. Sensy eyes were practically sparkling as he looked around. The waiter finally came. "Don't worry. You can order as much as you want" I said. "Yes!!" he cried. I loved seeing him smile. I ordered a calamari. They looked delishious. Sensy ordered a fried mozzarella and lasagna fritta. Sensy was smiling while eating. I smiled too. I suddenly noticed a crumb on his cheek. I leaned in and picked it off ( I don't know how else or say it). He looked surprised and blushed. We continued to eat and started to chat. I couldn't believe that Sensy was suffering from
agoraphobia. We chatted some more.
We finally finished eating. I paid for the food and headed out. Sadly, my wallet didn't last the night. The wind was blowing and I was shivering. Sensy noticed. He suddenly leaped onto me. "what th-" I cried. " Your cold. And I'm cold too. I can cuddle you for warmth. Carry me please" Sensy said. I smiled. " who knew you had a silly side?" I replied. He smiled in return. I continued to walk as I piggybacked Sensy. We finally reached his house when I realized he was asleep. I slowly opened the door. It was surprisingly open. I tiptoed inside and looked at each and every room trying to find Sensys. I finally found it and creeped inside. I placed him on his bed. He looked cute in his sleep. I realized he looked cute no matter what. I leaned in and gave him a small kiss on the cheek (or cheek bone)  I blushed as I left.

Hope you all enjoyed. Bye

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