Chapter 3.

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I am so glad that you guys like this story. I have nothing else to say. Enjoy! (^w^)

 Ganz P.O.V

It had been two days since Sensy was admitted into the hospital. He wasn't in critical condition but I was still worried. We weren't permitted to go seem him yet though. But today was the day we get to finally see him. But what I was trying to do right now was finding the culprit of the fake letters. I tried to track down any possible leads but I didn't find anything. I was DETERMINED to find the culprits. I felt like I was in a mystery show or something to be honest. I walked from class to class, trying to find someone suspicious. Everyone seemed to be normal, or were they hiding it? I scratched my head and sighed. "Oh Ganzy~" someone called. I sighed again. I turned around knowing I couldn't run. It was Jessica. "Who knew I would find a treasure in this dump~?" she said. "I don't have time for this Jessica" I said bluntly. "Come on~ Don't you have any time for me~?" she asked pouting her lip. "No" I shot back. "Well fine. I have other things to do anyway. Bye Ganzy~" She cooed. She turned around waving goodbye. I was kinda shocked. But in the good way for once. She always troubled me and I was the one walking away. I knew something was wrong. Something was different. I waited till she was a far distance away and started to follow her. She looked kinda suspicious. I felt it in my gut. I waited a few minutes each time before following her. She finally stopped and entered a classroom. I immediately knew which class it was. It was class 5B. A kid had somehow broke a wall and the school didn't have the budget to fix it so they closed it off and covered the hole with a cloth. It wasn't that big but was still kind of a threat. I sneaked my way there and peaked through the window. I was dark except for a small phone light. I could see the outline of Jessica. She was with two other girls. They were quiet for a few minutes but finally started to talk.
"you gonna do it again ya hear?" Jessica said.  "B-But I d-d-dont want too." Someone who I didn't know replied. She sounded like a girl. " You better do it. You don't want that stupid new kid to get Ganzy  all to himself do you~" she replied. Now I was really listening. "I  don't care about him Jessica! !" she cried. I heard a someone bang on a table. " You don't have a choice BITCH! Remember that I have the upper hand. " Jessica cried. "You know what happens to people who don't follow Jess?" another girl said. I had heard enough. I stood up and walked to the door. They still didn't see me. I threw open the door. They jumped in surprise. " W-What are y-you here G-Ganzy?" Jessica stammered. " I heard everything Jessica" I said coldly. She froze. "B-b-b-but G-Ga-" I stopped her. I walked over to the table. The girl who was shaking in fear was holding a piece of paper. She looked like one of Fresh's friends. I took it politely and read it.

Dear Ganz
I know I just arrived but my boyfriend from my earlier school is coming. I hate you alot. But I-

The rest wasn't finished yet though. But I knew what the rest was going to say. I scrunched the paper and threw it behind me. I glared at Jessica. She whimpered. I knew I couldn't do anything to her or I would get detention or worse. I softly grabbed the scared girl and dragged her outside. When we were far away Jessica I stopped. " why did you help Jessica?" I asked. She hesitated but finally spoke,  "I was black mailed. She knows my crush but I don't want anyone to know about. She threatened to tell everyone" she whimpered. "Okay then. I forgive you. Thanks" I whispered. She nodded and left. I sighed and turned around. The hall was filled with students. I tried to leave without being seen but alas, I failed. Behind me, a hoard of girls ran squealing. I started bolting to the door, thankfully succeeding. I ran outside and took a breath of great fresh air. Better than the stuffy air in the halls. I looked up and stared at the clouds. They looked so fluffy..... So peaceful..... So soft.... I shook my head and got my head out of the clouds. 'I just made a pun didn't I?' I thought. I walked down the path as cars past by. After a few minutes I finally saw the hospital in sight. I started to run. I panted as I reached the hospital. The doors opened and the cold air blasted in my face. I walked up too the counter. "Excuse me. Can I please see Sensy?" I asked. "What connections do you have with him?" the lady behind the counter replied. " I'm a friend"  I quickly replied. The lady looked at me for a second but replied " room 249" She said. I gladly thanked her. I ran up the stairs and it hit me. I don't know which floor it was in. I ran from floor to floor. My energy was zapping away. I held onto the railing and looked over at the wall plate.

350 to 340

I smiled happily and ran for it again. I reached the door and opened it slowly. The light was beaming out of the window, creating a shadows of all the equipment. For a second I thought I saw an angel before realizing it was just Sensy.

Sensy P.O.V (finally >-<)

I looked behind me as I heard the door creek open. I looked in surprise. It was Ganz. Even though I was super glad to see he was okay I hid it. I glared at him. He pouted in response. " Hey there Sensy" he said. " what do you want?" I asked directly. I wanted to ask him if he was okay. If my friends were okay. But I didn't. "Um... I just wanted to tell you..... Thank you" I looked at him in surprise. " I never knew someone like you existed. I thought this damn world was full of people like Jacob who only love themselves and their ego. But when I first saw you, I knew you were different. You, smarter, sweeter. And for helping me, I say thank you" he said. He stared at me confidently until I responded. "B-but what about t-the letters?" I whispered. " They weren't from me" He whispered. I beamed in glee. I was so glad it wasn't from him. "But.... They were sent by those stupid 'followers' of mine. They always try with all their might to stop people from getting close to me. I was lucky that Swapfell became my friend without the girls going crazy." he whispered. His eyes were tearing up. I pulled the blankets off and got off the bed. I slowly walked over to him and gave him a hug. He flinched in surprise. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't control them. I forgive you" I replied. He started to bawl his eyes out. I patted him on the back as we stood there awkwardly.

This story isn't as dramatic as the previous chapter but I hope everyone likes it. Bye for now~

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