July 17, 2014 12:55 PM EDT

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EXO's Baekhyun Leaves A Heartfelt Message On Instagram Regarding His Relationship With Taeyeon

By Robert Kuang | July 17, 2014 12:55 PM EDT

After posting a heartfelt message regarding his relations with Girls' Generation's Taeyeon on Instagram, EXO's Baekhyun has since deleted the message.

"I have written and erased my words many times, but I felt as if I was just putting out excuses and did not have the courage to express my heart and resolve the misunderstandings," wrote Baekhyun on Instagram. "I also thought that saying those words now would also be meaningless. So even now, I'm worried and my heart is uneasy that you might be hurt again because of this post and that I might regret putting this up. However, I really wanted to express my sincere feelings so I'm writing these words."

"I'm very sorry that I caused pain to fans who have always been precious to me. And I'm once more sorry that I hurt you again through the misunderstandings that have come about within this situation. I wish that our fans will no longer hurt. Although I'm really lacking, I will do my best to slowly approach all of you again. And EXO is a name that is so precious to me. I want to tell you that I've never thought of EXO lightly."

However, after posting it on July 16, Baekhyun has since deleted the message. Similarly, Taeyeon has avoided Instagram since delivering her own message right after their relationship went public.

"I'm not trying to explain myself, but rather I want to speak to you in the hopes that you would stop hurting at least one day earlier," wrote Taeyeon on June 19.

"I did not post these [photos of Baekhyun and me] with the intention [of hurting the fans] at all, but most of the people on Instagram claimed I had fun putting up blatant pictures on Instagram. They claimed I mocked the fans. I felt like there were a lot of people who were thinking this way, so I wanted to get my words in. That was not my intention or goal at all."

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