"Dahlia! You can't just walk around like that when we have company, dear. Go get dressed and tell Bryony that Shale's friend is here." She scolds.

"Sure." I reply, now realizing that I'm walking around in nothing but a bikini and towel. "Please excuse my state of undress, I'll go check on Cinderella." I turn and head up the stairs as I hear my mother invite Axl inside to wait. When I reach our room, I see Bryony looking at her cell phone.

"Hey, Axl's here to pick you up. Something happened with Shale's car." I tell her. She hold up her phone and nods.

"I just got a message about it." She tells me. "Something about the alternator, or something. I know nothing about cars. It's all Greek to me."

I grab a t-shirt, yoga pants and fresh underwear before I slip into the bathroom to change. I'm pulling my hair up into a messy wet bun when I step back into the room, Bryony is still working on straightening her long hair.

"I'll let him know you're almost ready. Mom is probably talking poor Axl's ear off." I tell her and she giggles as I leave the room. When I reach the living room, my prediction is correct. My mother is jabbering at Axl, asking him a million questions and I can practically see the social awkwardness hanging in the air. When I notice they don't have anything to drink I find my opening.

"Hey Mom, do we still have any of that sweet tea you made? I can't find it." I ask her, cutting her off as she started on her next question. Axl's relieved face is priceless.

"Of course, darling. Let me go get it." Before leaving she sneaks one last question in to Axl, "Would you like some sweet tea? I made a fresh batch just this afternoon." He nods and mumbles a thank you as she leaves the room. I watch her leave and then turn back to Axl, trying to hide my smirk.

"Playing chauffeur tonight? That was nice of you." I comment, "I'm sorry about my mom. Bryony should be down in a few minutes, so you won't have to be on show much longer." I see a small smirk of amusement tugging on his lip that holds his lip ring.

"She was super excited to meet Shale, huh?" He asks. I hold up my thumb and finger about an inch apart.

"Just a teensy weensy bit." I tell him and he gives a small chuckle before schooling his features back to his cool mask.

"Here we are!" My mother's voice sing-songs as she enters the room with two glasses for tea, setting down one glass in front of Axl. "I set the pitcher out for you on the kitchen counter, darling. Feel free to help yourself." She tells me, keeping the second glass for herself as she sits back on the couch with Axl, effectively dismissing me.

"Right, thank you Mother. I'll let you get back to your guest. Bryony will be down shortly." I excuse myself and head to the kitchen pouring my own glass and grabbing a apple while I'm at it. I sit at the kitchen island and listen as my mother grills Axl, and his short replies until finally Bry appears and they both leave to meet Shale. When my mother enters the kitchen, I'm sipping my second glass of tea.

"Well, that threw a bit of a kink into the evening but at least I'll be meeting Shale tomorrow." She muses. "That friend of his is a bit odd though. He barely spoke two words." I don't bother mention how, even if Axl were the talking type, it would have been difficult for him to talk because her inquisition left no room for rebuttal. Instead, I nod and shove the remaining apple slices into my mouth.

I excuse myself and go back to my room with the excuse of homework. Laying on my bed, I look at the ceiling and imagine where Bryony and Shale are going on their date. Apparently it was suppose to be a surprise. Soon, I'm imagining my own first date with my imaginary Match. I haven't been on many but I wonder if it feels any different. Knowing he's the perfect fit to your soul. Is it more meaningful? Is it easier or more stressful? I've heard of Matches that choose not to stay together. Usually one cheated on the other, something like that is not easily forgiven. You can go on in life without your Match, they were supposed to be your perfect fit but it doesn't mean they, themselves, are perfect. People still make mistakes. Not that I think that will happen to Bryony and Shale. They compliment each other perfectly, so I think they will be very happy together. What about me though? Will my Match, if I even have one, be able to handle my brash personality? Will I scare them off? Will they choose to live apart from me instead of being with me? I am protective of those that I love, but it doesn't mean I don't want to be cared for too. Will my Match be able to handle me and care for me, protect me, they way I need?

These thoughts swirl through my head all night, but in the end its still only theoretical because I don't even have my mark. I could be blank, without a mark or a Match. If that is the case I hope Shale likes tricycles because I'm coming along for the ride as their third wheel.

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