10| The Ominous Truth

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"You are not trusting my king. I will give you one week to decide. I will be back." He quickly fades away in the position he stood.

The kings eyes widen. "He's gone?"


Over the next week. The idea of immortality became an infatuation, an obsession. He went into this mania, this crazed state. He would pace circles in the floor, awaiting for the strange hooded man would return.

Finally, the day came.

The dark presence returned. My father thought he was clever, he ordered his guards to throw him into the dungeon. To hold him until he proved his gift was true. His soldiers snatched him as he entered the room.

This of course angered the man. My mother walked into the room at the same moment. "What's going on!?" She searches around the room, assessing the scene. The dark figures eyes shift to her, grinning once again presenting his discoloured smile.

He stands up straight, shifting the energy in the room. Suddenly everything felt as if it was happening in slow motion. He slides through the grasp of the guards and slowly makes his way to the queen.

Clouding his eyes, exhuming her mind. Pulling her in. Digging deep into subconscious. Stilling her body and everyone around them. As if stopping time. He wanted them to watch; wanted them to see what was to become of them.

A black mist begins leaking from her eyes. A smoke, spilling from her mouth, he was inhaling her soul. Sucked from it's core. She fell lifeless to the floor. He slowly turns his chin to my father, revealing the same smile. The kings eyes wide, mouth dropped. He was scared and this is what the hooded man wanted. He has gained power over th king himself. They make eye contact and stare for a moment before the dark figures eyes shift to the right of the kings shoulder. My eldest brother Kai had entered the throne room.

"Mom?" Is all he can get out. Confused. The king whips his head around to Kai and back to the dark figure, who was now looking back at him.

"No..." The king whispers, almost out of breath. He whips his head around to Kai "KAI GET OUT OF HERE!" he screams in desperation. My brother confused, froze. "W-what's going on!?"

"Oh, my son." The dark figure begins. "This was your father's choice." The king speaks over him. "Kai, please-" but the dark figure interupts him. "You fool." His voice deep and loud, ringing about the room. "How dare you defy me. I offered you eternal life

The man points towards Kai. The same black smoke seeping out of the pours from his hands, making its way to Kai. Soon overtaking him. Kai's eyes roll to the back of his head as the black smoke soaks into him. He closes his eyes as if he is in pain, tightening them; his mouth slightly open, his face scrunched, showing his teeth clenching together. "KAI!" The king yells again in desperation, unable to move. "I give this gift to your sons instead, who will rule in my name." The dark figures eyes swirl again, this time, controlling Kai. Kai takes a few quick steps towards the king, who is still unable to move; placing his hand in the center of the kings chest.

He then places his hand on my fathers chest. "Kai..." The king whispers in defeat. "Think about this you embecile! I am the king, your ruler, your father!" He screams in his face. Kai unphased, does not flinch. His eyes were black as the night sky, no longer himself. The same black smoke spreads from his hand, outwards towards the rest of the kings body, wrapping around him, consuming him. The king hunches over in pain, pleading to his son. "Please..." The dark figure belches out a laugh. "A bit more..." He guides Kai. Meeting the same fate as my mother, he drops heavily to the ground. "Good job my boy. Very good. Shall we go visit your brothers?" They make there way out of the throne room, leaving the guards frozen and in awe. Making there way through the corridor until they reach Cain's bedroom door. He turns the door knob slowly and opens it to see Cain passed out on his bed. He approaches him silently in the darkness. Staring down at his young brother peacefully sleeping. The room fills with dark energy. The dark figure hovers over Cain. Completing the same ritual as he did with Kai.

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