"A mmer life begun" Part 3

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Marcus's Pov.
Ugh a new school, i have to do new friends, AGAIN!!!!
Ι am Marcus Gunnarsen, yes the famous singer, I am 16 years old and I moved here in Thessaloniki from Trofors when our house burned. I moved here with my family. I know that here in Thessaloniki we have so many fans so this will be a little bit difficult.
Helen's Pov.
I am at school and all my friends are with open mouths and the tongue out of there mouths. They are just staring all day long those twins like wtf bro?! Uhh!!!😷😷😷 I can't understand what beautiful they have?!!! They are so ugly and skinny, wait no! Martinus is skinny and Marcus is fat. How they like them?!!!! Anyway I have my boyfriend I don't have to thinking about those twins.
Martinus's Pov.
We are in our new school, it was to easy to do friends here because they know that we are famous singers. Also all the girls staring at us all day long because they think we are pretty and of course because they know that we are rich. Only one girl don't caring. I think she is cute but I am to shy to talk with her.
Okey mmers I know this is too small but I post this part very late but I couldn't do something because I was in the hospital for my knee. Hope you like it and sorry again for the late part. Love you all so much!!! #mmerfamily❤

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