Part 5

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* Elsewhere in U.A High *

All might is seen looking through a faultily register the cover on the book reads Secret.

*All Might POV*

 I need to hurry, I shouldn't be looking through this anyway but if Izuku's homeroom teacher is who I think it is then I really should be worried.

NO, NO, Not him either, bingo !

(All might stopped on a page that gave him the profile of Shota Aizawa).

"Aizawa, Huh...." "He's going to be nothing but trouble for these kids." Reading through his profile is just making me more worried. Boy, how does someone manage to expel 154 students by himself, that's ridiculous!

* No one POV *

As All Might continued to skim through Azaiwa's profile he heard the door crack open...

"Shit! I need to put this away."

"The nerve on that kid, ugh not waking me up, now I'm late." 

"All might ?"

"Midnight, haha funny seeing you here."

That was a close call. (all might thought to himself.)

"Whats that you're reading?" Midnight asked.

"Oh nothing really, just ummm... just checking up on a colleague, ."  Shit I forgot to put the book away I was to busy transforming. 

"Your not sounding very convincing you know." She said while trying to get a peak at the page All might was reading.

"Well I should get going." All might said while dropping the book back where he found it and slipping past the door the sounds of him sprinting could soon be heard. 

"I wonder why he was reading up about Azaiwa, he most be worried about someone, I probably should be as well a certain someone I know never really gets along with teachers and Azaiwa kind of a strict one." Midnight headed over the shelf to grab one of the Modern Hero Art History textbooks she would be using for her class.

"I hope they get along."

*U.A  High PE Grounds*

"What a test of Quirks on the first day ?!"  ????

"what about the entrance exam ceremony?! or guidance sessions ?!" some chick asked

"Quite down everyone, listen if you want to be become hero's nothing should surprise you anymore. Am sure your all aware of U.A freestyle education system well this extends to teachers as well."

"Today I want you to...."

"Hey Y/N it's me." you felt a slight bump in your shoulder." When you turned around it was the red haired kid who had saved you during the entrance exams.

" O hey Kira...."

"it's Kirishima, seriously did you really forgot me that soon."

"No of course not." I'm pretty sure he knew I forgot about him but he just stood there with a stupid smirk on his face gosh this guy's annoying. 

"Bakugo how far could you throw in middle school."

"sixty-seven meters."

"Great now try it with your quirk, do whatever you need just don't leave your circle."

Damn I missed out on what they we're saying. Bakugo walked up to the circle like he had all the confidence in the world once he started stretching I noticed some girls in the class we're checking him out and only god knows why this guy was an asshole period no two ways about it.

Bakugo: !! DIE !!

He let off a huge explosion off his hand sending the ball flying though the air I could swear It vanished for a moment before it came back into orbit and landed still steaming as it rolled.

Azaiwa held up a little device and on the screen it read 705.02m. It didn't take long for everyone in the class to start going on about how impressed they we're yeah it was cool so what. At-least Momo didn't seem impressed gosh what an angel, I was finding it hard to keep my eyes off her till I got that weird feeling someone was watching me. I glanced over and I could swear he turned his head away as soon as I did. Hmmm what's up with that guy and why his hair two different colors.

"That's so awesome !, what you think Y/N" asked Kirishima.

"Yeah it was aite."

"Come on bro, what's your deal it's like nothing get you pumped up how you going be a man if nothing excites you."

"What how that have anything to do with being a man !"

"I'm just kidding "... they was a slight pause "so you like her or something."  you felt a slight tingle on your skin.

"What like who ?"


"No I don't shut up idiot and mind your business !"

" I was only joking calm down, I'm sorry," kirishima said, and put an arm around my shoulder, trying to calm me down. I jerked away, without saying anything. He tried to do it again and that's when I snapped

"Get off me bro you gay or something ! " O damn did I say that out loud again.

"You done talking Y/N." you averted your gaze to the direction of the voice it was Aizawa.

"Since you have time to talk then you should know something the person with the lowest score is expelled." 

"wait I wasn't the only one talking."

"I don't care if you really consider yourself a future hero then you should focus when I'm talking."

Y/N thoughts: Is this guy for real did he not see Kirishima talking, o actually I get it's always been like this I'm always the odd one out it's been like that since ever I was little and teachers always feel the need to call me out for it.

"So do you have anything to say for yourself." Aizawa said while giving me that look, that look that every single person always felt the need to give me it pissed me off he barely even knew me and he felt like he could boss me around and humiliate me.

"Matter of fact I do.... " I thought about what I was about to say I mean first impressions are important right but I didn't care I wanted him to get one thing straight

"I don't give a damn about being a hero Sensei, I only want one thing and that's to be a villain."

Adventures of a Young Villain - My hero Academia x (Male Reader.) {On hold !}Where stories live. Discover now