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When Shane approached me with a plan to let Randall loose and back to his group, I immediately agreed. He told Randall that he was going to join his group so that the kid wouldn't get any ideas.

We followed him into the woods Randall rambling on and on about his group. I nodded as if I was listening. I watched a squirrel hop from tree to tree. It seemed to be following us—curious and distanced. I didn't even think it was a warning until after Shane tacked Randall. My head snapped to them just in time to see Shane snap Randall's neck.

My eyes widened and I backed away, "They'll have to understand. Right? I mean, he was a threat." Shane asked me in panic.

"What have you done?" I whispered, my body frozen in place.

"Look, I know we were at odds but we can't be anymore. Randall's our of everyone's way! Rick can't be trusted, Cal. He can't. He risked our group's lives." Shane said crazily.

"Your group...not mine.." I whispered in a shaky voice as Shane trailed towards me. My back hit bark and I don't think I'd ever felt true fear.

"Our group." He said, "You're part of it. You'll keep quiet, right?"

My muscles weren't working, my mind wasn't working but my instincts did as Shane reached for my forearm. I screamed loudly and slapped him. He hit me back but with a closed fist. My vision spotted as I hit the ground—hard.

His hands pinned my arms down, "Make me feel better, Callie."

"No.." I whispered, my voice croaked and shaky from pain, fear, and tears, "Stop. This....won't solve anything."

"Make me feel better." He undid his belt and ripped my pants. He then ripped my undergarments. He slid into me, quick and smooth. I shut my eyes and cried. How do you go from killing to raping? Wasn't it the other way around? I wanted it to be the other way around...

I fought back, begging for Shane to react more violently. He did but not as violent as I wanted. He smashed his fist against my face again and a trickle of blood started from the corners of my mouth and nose. His hands wrapped around my neck and he applied pressure slightly. Bruises began to form on my skin. I was glad he hadn't ripped the rest of my clothes off. I didn't want to be raped and taunted.

He released inside of me, his body shaking. I stared numbly at the sky. I shook my head, "Kill me.." I whispered.

"Oh no, babygirl. If you live through this, I'll keep ya." He told me.

I sobbed. A rock hit Shane over the head and I screamed. Shane cursed and stumbled back a bit. My mother appeared within my line of vision, "Come! Come, Callie!" She lifted me up with surprising strength. I leaned against her as we booked it out of the woods. We stumbled out along with Shane who seemed to have a plan.

My mind blurred. I could barely stand. My heart hurt and I felt tired, "It should've been me." I whispered to my mother.

"Yes, I wish it had been. This is an ugly world." She told me as I leaned against her.

"Rick! Rick!" Shane shouted. I didn't care. Let him say what he wanted. I was tired so tired. I didn't fight back.

"What the hell happened?! Callie?! Callie?!" Daryl shouted, examining me from head to toe.

"It's should've been me." I whispered and let darkness consume me. My mother let me drop to the floor..

Dark Intentions│Daryl Dixon✔️Where stories live. Discover now