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"Momma?" I asked. She didn't look at me.

I sat down on the porch swing beside her. Sensing my movement, she came to. I needed that manipulating motherly courting that she gave me. She scooted closer and pressed her head against my shoulder. I stroked her greying, frizzy hair.

"I miss Elain." She told me. My sister.

"I know, Momma." I told her.

"Do you miss her?" She asked me.


"It should've been you." She said as if we were having idle conversation.

"I know." I told her. She always said these things. I didn't care. I agreed.

"She was so perfect and you were always difficult. I can't love you. I loved my Elain." She was rambling.

"I know."

"I knew you would never love me. Not the way Elain did. She loved me." Momma said.

"I never said.." I trailed off because she was truly the reason I didn't want to love anyone. She was the reason I said those awful things to Daryl.

"You wouldn't even let me breast feed you. You would cry and whine until you got a bottle." She whispered, "You're always so difficult."

"I wish it had been me."

"It should've. It should've."


Lori looked up at Rick, holding Carl close, "So is there a plan? Is he staying here?" The group gathered around. Randall knew Maggie from high school and also where the farm was. Daryl was off in the barn probably taking his anger out on the poor kid—anger from my words.

Rick slid his hands into his pocket, "We'll know soon enough."

They weren't happy with his answer. The barn door opened and Daryl walked up, holding his crossbow over his shoulder. I gazed at the blood dripping from his knuckles but otherwise kept my gaze stone cold. I avoided eye contact, my eyes flitting elsewhere.

"He's with a gang of 30 men." Daryl started, his voice rough and distant, "They have heavy artillery and aren't lookin' ta make friends. If they roll through here our men will be dead....our women will wish they were." I scoffed.

"No one goes near this guy." Rick ordered sternly.

"What're you gonna do?" I asked, my arms crossed—face neutral.

"We have no choice. He's a threat." Rick said, "We have to eliminate the threat."

Dale went bone white, "So you're just going to kill him?"

Rick nodded, "It's settled. I'll do it today."

After his little talk, Carol approached me, "Hey, Callie. Can I talk to you for a minute." I eyed her, wondering where this was going.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm concerned for Daryl's safety." She started and my back went rigid, "He's out there in the woods by himself and...I'd feel a lot better if he was closer to the group."

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