Chapter 15: Tell Me Your Wishes Three

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Cyrus jerked awake and pulled the blanket off his face. He rubbed his eyes and looked around blearily. Why was he in what looked like the back room of an antiques shop? Where was Alice?

A lean figure with thinning, limp hair entered the room.

"Ah," said Gold, "you're awake."

Cyrus wagged his head. "To be honest I am not really sure when it was that I fell asleep." There had been something important keeping his attention—what was it?

"It's done," said Gold, and gestured to the doorway.

Cyrus jumped to his feet. A woman stood there, her dark hair falling over her shoulders and framing a face whose features he never thought he would see again.

"Mamman!" He crossed the room and threw his arms around her.

"Cyrus!" She whispered in his ear as her tears ran down his neck.

He pulled back to look at her again. She did not seem a day older than the last time he saw her, that fateful day when he became a genie.

"Mamman," he murmured tenderly, "is it really you?"

Amara smiled at him. "Yes, Cyrus; the wizard freed me," she nodded toward Mr. Gold. She shifted to face him, but kept her hand clasped around Cyrus' as if she never wanted to let go again. She gave it a squeeze. "How I longed to see you, to feel you, my son!"

Cyrus fought back the lump forming in his throat. "I never thought I would see you again, Mamman."

Amara smiled. "Now that I am free, we may seek your brothers and once we are together, nothing will separate us ever again!"

Cyrus winced at the declaration, and her quick maternal eyes caught the movement.

Amara's smile dimmed. "What is it?"

Cyrus sighed deeply to force the words out. "Jafar, he—"

Her hands flew to her mouth. "No! He found them both already? Taj? Rafi?" She peered closely at her middle son. "He must never find you!"

Cyrus shook his head, dreading the moment to come. He extended his arm to show Amara his bare wrist. "I am free now, Mamman," he said. "Jafar wouldn't want me, anyway."

She pulled away with a frown. "But if your brothers are not likewise, then you have not lifted the curse."

Cyrus shook his head. "A man made the wish that freed me—but as the price, he took my place as a genie. There is only one way to lift the curse, I'm afraid," he sighed. "And at this point it seems to be our only chance of stopping Jafar once and for all."

Amara leaned forward hungrily. "Well? What is it?" She asked. "Let us do it at once, before Jafar can acquire this third genie!"

Cyrus grimaced again. "There is little danger of that, as I don't think Jafar knows where he is at this time—but Mamman, the only way to lift the curse is to return the enchanted water I stole to revive you!"

Amara placed a hand over her heart. "I know what this means," she said soberly. "Oh Cyrus!" she looked up at Mr. Gold, "Is there no other way?"

"I am afraid you will find that this world is much different than the one you are accustomed to," answered the antiques dealer.

Amara frowned. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Is this not Agrabah or some other nearby kingdom?" She tipped her head to peek out the door.

"Mamman," Cyrus took her hands and led her forward, "it is a part of Alice's world, a strange and beautiful town of other enchanted people like ourselves. It is called Storybrooke."

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