Laksh's Feelings #1

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Plot : After Ragini's truth came out.

{Here Ragini didn't put any false allegation of ra*e on Sanskar}

Raglak got separated. Laksh was shattered. He never imagined that Ragini could fall so low. She was his only supporter, his only friend who supported him during his worst time when he was all alone. And now she left him. He didn't stopped her.

His father Mr. Durgaprasad Maheshwari took the decision that Ragini and Laksh will get divorce. They will get separated without even asking Raglak's opinion once. He just put his decision on them like-always.

Laksh was in no condition to think after the betrayal of Rgaini. His brain stopped working. He couldn't think properly. For once he thought that he loves Swara and wanted her back. He was guilty for mistrusting Swara. He was going to propose her but on that very day Swara declares her love for Sanskar in front of everyone when he made her jealous and she couldn't bear it.

Laksh was heart broken with the confession. Next day they get married and started living their life happily. Seeing the happy loving couple in front of his eyes 24*7 won't be easy as he loved Swara from the bottom of his heart, but he comes out of his reverie very soon as he never felt any jealousy or any sort of problem with Swasan being together as a couple. Perhaps he just wanted some distraction to distract his mind from Ragini and her betrayal as he was not able to stop himself from thinking about her.

He just wanted some love which he thought he could get from Swara and can also get rid of Ragini from his mind and heart.

Another reason could be he wanted to punish Ragini, He wanted to show her that he could stay happy even without her. Ragini was the one who made him smile and laugh when Swasan was living in the house as a couple, when he thought he could never smile in his life again but Ragini always proved him wrong. He never thought about Swara in Ragini's company. She was always the reason of his happiness. The peaceful nights he had when Ragini was their. But after her betrayal, after she went away from his life, every smile, every happiness was snatched from him. With Ragini gone his joy and peace. Only had the sleepless nights and nightmares with him which wakes him up whenever he sleeps and never let him sleep again.

Even now he smiles but only remembering Ragini, how she used to make him smile and laugh. He was living in his own hell. He was angry as he got used to her. He got used to her so much that even after wanting to hate her so much he just couldn't. He couldn't understand that why is it so difficult to hate her and to forget her? Why is it so difficult to move on from her? He never loved her then why her pain hurts him more than her? She became his habit (or you can say much more than that). Their is not even a single day when he don't think about Ragini.

For example : In morning, Laksh : Ragini where is my towel, tea, shirt, pen, file etc, etc... When he sleeps he only dreams about Ragini, he scares at night while having a nightmare that Ragini is in pain, she needs him to rescue her, to support her. During lunch break he feels jealous when he sees Swaar bringing lunch for Sanskar and romancing with him while having food. But this emotion of jealousy wasn't because he love Swara. Its because their was no one who cared about him like that, who loved him so dearly. Because the one who did is not in his life anymore, is not his anymore. He wishes so dearly that Ragini come to office with food and feed him with her hands, when he sees some couple he thinks if Ragini never did that than may be they both could also be a happy couple or if their is still a chance for them to be happy married couple. When he sees other couples playing with their children, having fun he could just thought what names he and Ragini would have given to their children, if their marriage would have worked and they would be having children in couple of months or years. What if they fight like most of the couples do that he wants a girl like Ragini and Ragini would fight that she wants a boy like Laksh.

And Talking about children he couldn't stop himself from thinking how would have Ragini behaved while pregnancy, how he would have dealt with Ragini's mood swings, what would she demand, he has heard that women while pregnancy have craving mostly at night. How would he bring her gajar ka halwa or jalebi when she would wake up at night having the craving of having something sweet or spicy and would wake up Laksh and emotional blackmailed him to get that for her and by the time he would bring it for her she would have been already slept. {He may not admit right now but inwardly he would feel proud that the girl who never asked her father for anything is asking him.} Laksh would just shake his head sideways. He might feel hurt that his wife and baby fall asleep hungry but he would not be able to wake Ragini up seeing her sleeping so peacefully.

How pretty she would look with that cute baby bump and how could her Laksh, her true lover will ever be able to stop himself from falling for her more and more. How would have Laksh consoled her when she would be upset that she becomes fat whenever she would want to try her favorite outfit or would have looked at the mirror. How angry she would be while her delivery and how will he see his Ragu in so much pain. How will he adore his Ragini and their kids. How will he take care of Ragini and their baby after the delivery. How Ragini would scold him when he would  try to spoil their kids saying its his job to spoil them and her to teach them. And he knew Ragini would never tolerate anything wrong about her kids even if it is to against her love, her Laksh, she will. No doubt Ragini would become a great mother. Thinking that Laksh could just smile thinking how beautiful their life would be, how amazing it would be to have those beautiful moments in reality but alas! he already lost his chance.

The reality always replaces his that beautiful smile with sadness and emptiness he had in his life after Ragini left him.

He only have the reality with him and the war which is going on inside him.

Raglak united after three months.. They solved their differences and confessed their love.. Ragini is forgiven.. Both Ragini and Laksh are now living happily and peacefully.


Wrote it just like that.

Sorry for mistakes.

Please let me know how was it.

If you want I'll try to update Part 2 tomorrow.

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