Chapter 38- Am I?

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Hey everyone! A quick heads up for this book! There will be Two more chapters before the end of the book! Book two will be out right after the last chapter tommorow! The book is called 'The Reason Why"! So keep a look out for it! Now back to the story!

It has been a few weeks since the wedding, and it has been filled with mom and I puking every morning and I am very bloated. Now that I think about it I haven't had my period since a little over a month ago. A few weeks before the party... Shit.

I grab my phone and text Soph.

Y=You S=Soph

Y- Soph!!!!!!!

S- Y/N!!!!!!!

Y- I need your help!

S- Y?
Y- I need a test!

S- What kinda test?

Y- A 🍼👶 test

S- Your kidding right?

Y- No...

S- Good thing I'm already getting one.

Y- For you?

S- Hell Naw! It's for Jamie

Y- Jamie?

S- Yup I'll stop by her place first

Y- Actually can you pick me up and we can head to Jamie's?

S- Ok

I put my phone in my pocket and run to my room. I put on an outfit and eyeliner. (Pic Below) I then grab my bag and wait on the couch.

(Do NOT own this Pic)

"You ok Y/N?" Travis asks sitting next to me.

"Don't ask that." I reply queasy.

"Why?" He asks sitting down next to me.

"Have yet to puke this morning."

"When are you going to go to the ER?"

"When I can drive without feeling sick."

"I can drive you now. I mean it looks like your ready."

"Not now Soph is picking me up to go to Ja-" I get up and run to the bathroom. Travis runs quickly behind.

"Here." Travis grabs my hair out of my face and braids it and puts it in a bun. (If it's to short he holds it.) He then rubs my back. After a bit he goes out and comes back in with a glass of water. "You good?"

I give him a thumbs up with my head in the toilet. A few minutes later  I feel a little better, enough to sit up and rinse my mouth out, and drink some water.

"Now will you go in?"

"No. I can't deal with anymore doctors If I can help it."

He sighs. "I just hate seeing you like this Y/N. You getting sick, drinking, cutting? This isn't healthy."

"I know. I know," I say shaking my head, "and I'm trying. I know it will end badly."

He rubs my back again. "I'm always here to help. People may see me as a pervy weirdo, but I have more layers. One of them is protecting the ones I love, you. And Katelyn, but that's for another time."

I hug him. "Thanks Travis."

"No problem sis."

We sit for a while hugging on the bathroom floor. He was right. I'm going down hill. I need to save myself. I haven't seen THEM since the wedding. I think now it's just a habbit I can't break.

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now