Truth Or Truth?

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ME: Hello weird people! This is a special Q and A! I have Jamie, Jax, Laurence, Travis, Katelynn, You, and Garroth!

Jax: Yo!

Jamie: Hoi

Laurence: Sup!

Garroth: Hehe Hi There!

Katelyn: What up dorks!

Travis: Heeey Everyone!

You: Howdy!

Me: So Everyone today we will be playing truth or truth!

Travis: Like truth or dare?

You: But with only truths?

Me: Yup!

Katelyn: As long as I'm not asked stupid questions I'm good.

Jamie: I agree with Katelyn! Remember what I said Talia?

Me: No stupid questions got it!

Laurence: Can we get started?

Me: Yup! Ok the first truth is for Jax and Jamie! CrazyTrainSisters ask "Is Jamie and Jax there real names?"

Jax: Nope!

Jamie: Kind of, but no it's not my real name.

Me: Care to explain?

Jax: Our Characters have names that we use online, so we don't use our real names on the internet.

Jamie: Ya cause I don't feel like having someone find out who I am and then murder me.

Me: Smart move! The next couple are from anonymous readers. This truth is for Garroth! "Do you love Y/N?"

Garroth: Yes I love her as a friend. *Mutters* I like someone else.

Me: Ok the next truth is for Laurence! "Why did you kiss Aphmau and Michi?"

Laurence: I fell in love.

You: So your not in love with me?

Laurence: That's not what I said!

You: Sure sounded like it!

Me: Don't hate the playas hate the game!

You: Can we just keep going?

Me: Yup! Ok this truth is for me! "Are you going to add yourself into the book or any other OCs?"
The awnser is yes! I'm not sure about adding me, but I want to add other OCs to the book!

Jamie: Are me and Jax considered OCs?

Me: I have no idea...Maybe?

Travis: Oh can you add some more hot girls!?


Travis: N-No!

Me: Let's continue! This truth is for Travis! "Where does Enki work?"

Travis: That is confidential! Let's just say she works for the government!

You: How did I not know this!?

Travis: It is a secret! Shhhh! You heard nothing!

Me: Ok then...Welp I think that this will be the end of truth or truth! And we will see you all in the next chapter! Bye!

Jax: See ya!

Jamie: Later!

Laurence: Bye guys and gals!

Garroth: Goodbye!

Katelyn: See ya dorks!

Travis: byyyye Everyone!

You: See you all later!
You: Can I leave now?

Jamie: I have to get to D.A.N.C.E with Jax and Garroth.

You: Take me with you!

Laurence: You can't move around remember?

You: Did I ask you?

Travis: Everyone Everyone let's calm down.

Jax: Wrong move Travis!

Katelyn: Y/N help me get him to your window!

You: Can't you know the whole wheelchair thing.

Katelyn: Right Talia and Jamie let's get em!

Me: You guys are on your own! Oh and don't kill them we need them for the story!

Jamie: We won't kill them we'll just almost kill them...

Me: As long as they aren't dead I'm good.

You: Seriously!?

Me: No! What do you think I am Crazy!? You know what don't awnser that!

Travis: A little help here! She's going to hurt me!

Garroth: I got ya Travis get on my shoulder.

Travis: Wheeeee!

Laurence: See you all later.

Katelyn: After them!

You: Bye everyone!

Me: Welp gotta get back to writing!

You: Yup we have some people waiting!

Me: Right! Bye Y/N!

You: Bye Talia! Great I'm now forever alone...

???: Not quite!

You: Go away Gene!

Gene: Damn it!

You: Yup this is weird. Big time.

Hope you all liked this little extra for 100+ reads!!! Thanks guys you are all awesome! Today I will add this and a chapter just for you guys! And I'll see you in like two seconds!

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