15. Let's Go Sword Fighting

Start from the beginning

"Huh." Asked Mason.

"We heard another gang leader named Aaron James, Jones, whatever his last name is-"


"Is after you guys and we want to have you as spies in the real gang world because you guys have a child and I've heard that you're expecting more."

Mason and I just looked at each other. I have no clue what is going on. Mason got up and he started pacing around the room. Which started to give me a small heart attack. He came to me and kneeled down. He took a deep breath and that's when I saw it. He is having a panic attack.

"Mason, it's going to be okay. We can have our home in Paris or Ireland. Even in Hawaii. I could care less where we lived. As long as we lived as a family."

He wiped a tear from my cheek. We aren't dating were not together. We haven't been ever since that moment he cheated on me and I found out.

"We can have a home with four bedrooms. One for each child and one for us. Okay."

I tear slipped from his eyes. I just looked at him. Mason Jones can cry. I've known him for a few years and I just found that out now.

"We are not in custody of the police. Th-They're trying to protect us."


He got up so our eyes were lined up. I closed my eyes and held onto Zach. I opened my eyes and he kissed me. I didn't know what to do so I just froze. He left my lips and I just looked at him. His eyes dropped to the floor.

I lifted his chin with my open hand. I kissed him. I left his lips and he had a smirk on his face. HE stood up immediatly and turned to face the police.

"I'll do it."

He nodded his head and Mason looked back at me. I nodded my head and went back to watching Zach fall asleep in my lap. I ran my fingers through his thick light brown hair. He yawned and fell deeper into sleep. We need to buy a house so this doesn't happen as often. I mean not the being arrested part but Zach falling asleep in my lap. I can't do that when I'm ready to pop. A cop tapped my shoulder and I looked up to face her.

"We just wanted to let you know that with this agreement you three have to live in a few of the places with the most crime. We will provide housing though."

"Oh, thanks for letting me know."

I slightly smile.

"One question mama, how old are you?" The cop asked.

"Nineteen almost twenty and my son is almost three."

She nodded her head and went to her desk which was in the far corner. I then pulled out my phone and texted my mom.

Me- Hi mom

Mom- Hi Honey Good Morning

Me- It's practically midnight here mom

Mom- Oh

Mom-Well what are you doing up so late?????

Me- I just can't sleep. We are in the police office. I got arrested.

Mom- WHAT!!!!

Me- I'm not going to prison you're fine. I'm actually sitting in the waiting room

Mom- Oh, okay. Be safe I gtg bc I'm cooking breakfast

Me-Okay mommy Love you

Mom- Love you too

I smiled slightly and started to doze off when someone tapped my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and Mason was standing right in front of me.

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