5. Mornings Of Bad Luck

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Jessica's Pov

Sometimes I just wish that I could go back to sleep or even back time to erase something. Well, guess what. I just had another one night stand, probably not my last, with my baby daddy. Zachary woke up and crawled into our bed after the whole thing but I personally don't care. I just told him to go play with a few of Danny's old toys.

"Jessica Smith."

"Yes, Mason Jones."

"That is our son. Not Aaron's. Plus we are both gang leaders. Do you want him to be in an all-time war between this."

"I understand that."

"Than tell me something I don't know."

"I love you, Mason. I really do and you're on my mind every day. But do you really think that this will stop Zach from getting hurt."

"I don't know. Just let me raise him. Not Aaron."

"I don't know what to do Mason."

I got up off the bed and yes. Last night I wasn't drunk so I remember everything. From every movement we made. I got clothes in last nights clothes and my phone was buzzing.

"It's Aaron."

"Don't answer it, Jess."

"Fine but this isn't over."

I walked out of the room and saw Zachary playing with Danny's toys. Than Danny walked into the living room.

"Well, this is odd."

"What. Your brother can't have sex."

"Yes, he can but in front of a twelve-year-old. Really?"

I rolled my eyes. I picked up Zach.

"So. I needed it. Actually, we both needed it. It was great."

"So I heard."

"Shut up Danny."

He smirked and walked into the kitchen. Oh my god I really do hate the Jones Brothers.

"Zach. Want to go home?"


He nodded his head and so I gathered everything. I went back into Mason's room and grabbed Zach's blanket and stuffed bear from my father.

Mason came into the room. He looked ready to put up a fight.

"Listen I just don't want you to leave."

"Well deal with it because I have to."

"Let me drive you home then. Please. Or you're going to have to walk back to the hospital to get your car."

I nodded my head and we all left. Including Danny who had to go out and wait for the school bus.

"Please let me raise my son with you."

"Mason I'm dating someone."

"And last night than what was that."

"A one night stand."

"With someone you are going to have to deal with for the rest of your life because of him."

"He has no problems with this."

We made it to the hospital and that's when I saw Aaron. He walked over and started to go after Mason.

"I'm going to kill you. You're a son of a bitch. Mason Jones. You are so dead."

Mason just smirked. I was tricked to get Aaron all pissed off.

I walked off and found my car. Zach was holding my hand and walking besides me. I put Zach into his car seat and closed the door after I gave him a few of his toys.

"Guys. Stop it."

"You slept with him!"

He hit me. He just hit me. That's a side of Aaron I never saw before. I want him away from Zach immediately.

"Give me the key to my house."



He searched his pocket and shortly found the key. He gave them up to me. I'm going to change all the locks in my house.

"Aaron we are done."

I walked around my car and got into the front seat. I left for home. Benny was calling me and I couldn't help it but tell him everything that happened.

"Okay, Benny. I slept with Mason again. And we didn't use protection."

"Do you want the morning after pill?"

"Not really."

"Than What will you do if you're pregnant again?"

"I don't know have a second child."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Oh, and Aaron and I broke up."

"Finally. I was really hoping for you and Mason anyways."

I laughed a little.

"Mama. Can we go M D's"

M D's is short for McDonald's.

"Yes, baby. Benny can you bring Emmy and Bella and meet us at McDonald's."

"Sure thing."

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