11. Plots in Paris

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Jessica's POV

I got a text from my mom telling me about her trip to Hawaii. It all went down the drain when the volcano erupted but the got out and went to Australia. They met their first kangaroo. To me, that sounds fun.

I mean the stuff in Paris is fun too. I mean I get the whole gang with us but everybody is having kids now. So it's kind of like yo we need diapers. It's like the gang is just disappearing. Everyone is going soft too. We don't want to put our children in danger.

"Hey, Jess are we ready to go?" Called Mason

"Go where exactly?"

"To see Hazel's baby."

"Yeah, I'm coming."

Back in Chicago Aaron's POV

"Where did the other gang go? This town is empty." I screamed.

"Sir, they went to Europe."



"I heard what you said. I'm not deaf."

I slammed my fists into the cheap hotel door. I then looked out the hole I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Fix that," I demanded.

"Yes, sir."

I pulled out my map of Paris France I have from back when my family went.

"Alex come here!"

"Coming, sir."

"Point out where Mason is."


He pointed to a hotel called Macy's Hotel. I circled the hotel in red pen. Marking my destination. Time to make my plan to attack.

"Alex, go get Cole."

"Yes, sir."

Alex left and Cole came in ten minutes later. That took forever.

"I need your help against Mason and Jessica."

"But sir they are all the way in Paris."

"We will fly there."

"I will do my best to help you."

We stayed up until 3 am working on a plan to bring Mason's gang down. We are going to take someone down that he cares deeply about. He wants to stay alive but after we practically kill them they go into a medically induced coma. When they think he has a chance of surviving they will end up dying after someone murders them in the hospital. We can come up with some pretty good plans. And people wonder why my gang is getting more powerful.


Is it that hard to tell why we are getting so popular? Well anyways on the Gang most powerful list my gang is fifth most powerful. Stupid Mason is still the most dangerous in the world. I hate him. I hate Jessica. I hate the whole happy family.

Hey now I have a girlfriend that is pregnant with my baby. Her name is Erin. Pretty ironic because both of our names are some sort of Aaron/Erin. Time to go pack for my trip to Paris France! Yeah!

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