12. Lucky Shot

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Jessica's Pov

I woke up and started to make some breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and my favorite, pancakes. Also Zach's favorite. I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. He the started to kiss my neck. Well after he moved my hair out of the way of course. I heard a small cry from Zach's room.

Mason sighed and went to Zach's aid. I just continued to cook breakfast. I'm starving that's for sure.

After we ate breakfast we went out with the gang. To a park.

"So what's it like?" Asked Sam.

"What like?" I Asked back.

"Being pregnant with twins."

"So far the same as being pregnant with Zach."

"Oh I see. I've never been pregnant."

"Sam we all know this."

Patrick looked over his shoulder. Why? I have know clue why. Is someone acting odd. Where is this person? I'm sitting at one of the ten picnic tables with Sam and Abby. Mason is watching Zach. They might actually playing a game together with the rest of the toddlers.

The Berry Twins are at the hospital. Luca is adorable. So they aren't with us. Well the people with us are Walter, Jackie, Charlie, Benny, Emmy, Chad, and Abby. Sam and Patrick are spending some quality alone time without kids. Lucky them.

"So do you want to held Emma?" Asked Abby.

"Yes please!" Chirped Sam.

Sam is going to be one happy camper. She loves kids and this year there is gonna be six new babies.

She held Emma in her arms and just smiled. Sam is happy. Really happy.

I looked over near my boys. Mason is playing tag with the Kyan twins, Bella, Mason, Chad and Benny. As well as Charlie. Looks like Mason is it and he is chasing after Zachary.

Zach came running up to me and I saw some mud on his knees. He tripped in the mud. Mason sped up and caught up to Zach. Zachary is my clumsy baby boy. Mason then picked Zach up and Zach started to laugh. Nice to know that they are bonding.

"Wow!" Sad Zach

Zach had his arms out as if he was flying. It was cute.

"Are you flying?" I asked Zach.

"Yes mommy!"

Mason started to run with Zach on his back. There was a gun shot off in the distance.


I watched as everything went on slow motion. Mason immediately dropped to the ground with Zach still on his back. Chad grabbed the twins and ducked below the slide. Bella just stood under the play set. Charlie the unlucky one was shot in the chest.

Not any more. Please God. I'm begging you.

"Charlie!" Shouted Mason.

He got up and gave Zach to me. I was holding his head and he was screaming. Bella was in shock and Benny tried to help her. Bella was just going towards the body of Charlie.

I called 911 and they picked up.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"There was a gun shot and a man was shot. We are at a park in downtown Paris. I believe it's called Sweet Homes National Park."

"Thank you will be there as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

I rushed over to Charlie after I put Zach into the car. I saw the person. Aaron James is in Paris France. I'm gonna kill him.

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