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I got to the police station and they question me a bit. I think they think that I'm mentally insane but who knows? I could go to jail I might not. All depending on what Liam wants to do with me. I'm finally doing what Kevin asked me to do and it's backfiring in my face. If he's not going to have my back here at least he can have it up there. Oh god now look at me. I am blaming my dead best friend for my actions. I'm such an ass.


This stuff only happens in the movies. I have to be dreaming. Police officers are asking me questions and Liam is in a ambulance. I just can't take this all in right now. I should call someone to get Treavor, that's the least I could do. I refused to speak while he was getting cuffed and I didn't even go in the ambulance with Liam. What a horrible friend! What a horrible girlfriend! Oh gosh I need to stop thinking, I need to actually do something. I dialed Treavor's mom's number knowing that his sister would freak. What's weird was she didn't answer. She always answers. I called again and no answer. I would call Treavor's dad but he left a long time ago. When Treavor was five he just walked out and never came back. The only person left to call was his sister. On the fifth ring she answered crying.

"Hello" she said sobbing

"What's wrong" I asked

"It's Mom, something happened, I left with a friend for lunch and I come back and she's on the ground"

"Oh my gosh, what happened?" I asked
"They say she had a heart attack. The fixed her heart but she banged her head pretty hard on the kitchen table"

"Ok so where is she now"

"She's in the ICU in a coma."

"I'm on my way"

"Wait jasmine" she asked "Where's Treavor I have been trying to reach him for an hour"

"Don't worry I'll bring him with me."


So my sister isn't coming and Jasmine for sure isn't. My only chance is my mom. If I could just get a second on the phone I know she would come.

I gained some guts and said "Excuse me officer, I believe I get one phone call a day"

"Not right not Mr. Mahlik we will tell you when"

"Umm sir this needs to be now"

The officer seemed to get angry and said "Hey look who is in the cell and look who's got the keys, I call the shots an I will let you know when you can use the phone"

I got a little annoyed and said "This is the county jail not some federal prison in DC."

The cop opened his mouth but was interrupted by his secretary
She said "Sorry to bother you but someone is here to talk to you and it seems urgent"
The cop looked at me and said "Saved by the bell kid, saved by the bell" he walked away carrying a sort of cocky authority that even I despised. And I'm a dick.


"Hello Officer, my name is Jasmine and I need your help"

"With what?"

"My friend Treavor was just taken by the police and I believe he is here. Something happened with his mother and he is her emergency contact if anything happened."

"And I'm supposed to believe you, why?"

I picked up my phone and showed him the pictures that Treavor's sister sent me. It shows his moms latest medical diagnosis and where his mom put him down as an emergency contact.

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