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"Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later."Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭18‬
I read this scripture this week and it lifted me up from the little pit I was in. I don't know how else to thank you guys. Knowing that you enjoy what I write makes me feel so important. Thank You, - B


The flashing lights and sirens were only a reminder of the night I kicked Liam's ass. I remember that as a victorious feeling, this...its sickening. The paramedics had to pry my fingers off my sisters helpless skin. Then I went silent, like I always did when something went wrong. Kevin is the only one who could break me out of the silence but he's gone. I could've cried but how would that help. I sat in the back of the ambulance holding my sisters hand praying the the glory of God would keep her alive.

It had been a couple days since I heard from Jasmine. I mean I really like her but it seems like she knows everything about me and I know nothing about her. Besides favorite movies and songs, she's a stranger to me. But the I think about how she listens and she's adventurous and clever. For some reason I just can't stop thinking about her. To distract myself I set up my camera to film. In hopes Joe would pick up the phone so we could collab, he didn't because he was probably busy at a photo shoot. My only other option was to wake up Jc. I got a bottle of cold water and slowly dripped it on his forehead. When he peered his eye open his annoyed body language said it all. He moaned and covered a pillow over his head hoping that it would help.
"Jc I'm not the possessive type right?" I asked frantically.
"Leave" Jc dismissively replied rubbing his eyes.
"No seriously, why am I jealous of someone I know nothing about?"
"I don't know man, can I go back to bed" Jc said bothered
I continued to ignore his plea and suggested "Maybe I should end it with her, I know nothing about her anyway."
"Well" Jc said getting up, "Since you're not gonna leave, how about you just call her. Set up another date and if you still feel the same, then end it"
I left Jc to get dressed then got into my car and went to my favorite place to think.
When I woke up it actually felt like a relief. I got a full night of sleep without worrying about anything. In honor of that I made myself a large breakfast. My plate consisted of scrabbled eggs, six strips of bacon, three breakfast sausages, an orange, and freshly brewed coffee. I would have had bread and butter but I ate that for lunch the day before. I decided to call Treavor to see if he wanted anything to eat.
"Hey" I said
after 30 seconds of complete silence he hung up. I knew something was wrong. I texted him asking what was new and he texted me back a random address and didn't say anything after. It was weird but my breakfast was waiting so I just ignored it. While re-deciding about the bread and butter I grabbed the toaster and called Kian.
"Hi Jasmine"
"It's really pretty today, are you working?"
"No I'm not I pushed all my meetings until tomorrow, what about you" he asked
"Nothing why" I said
"Meet me at 6 o clock, bring a bathing suit and a ton of Hershey bars"
"Ok..." I said confused "Why?"
"You'll just have to wait and see" Kian said enthusiastically then ended the call.
I almost always had company over, it was weird having everything so quiet. I turned on the music and began read (Un)lucky Heart yet again because it was just so good. It was about two o clock and I had time to kill. I decided to look up the address Treavor sent earlier. I pulled up Google Search engine and when I typed in the address and hit send, soon after my heart dropped.


Ever since Kian came around Jasmine has been so head over heels that she forgot about me. I know I didn't say anything and I just sent her an address but if it had been any other time she would rush to my rescue. But no, I had to do all the paper work, I had to watch Cassie being rushed into surgery and I had to listen the doctor talked about possible brain damage. But worst thing about all this is, I went through it alone. I sulked into my seat and shut my eyes. But my back straightened and my eyes fluttered open when I detect a familiar voice in the crowd, Jasmine. She used the same old cousin lie and barged her way through bearing gifts.

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